forty six

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Draco sent the letter a whole week ago and I still haven't heard back from Fred.. Starting to think that no letter back will be my answer. Can't say that I'm surprised that he hasn't written back... part of me was hopeful but if i'm being honest, I didn't think he would actually answer.

Neither Draco or I told the others about the letter and we don't plan to unless Fred answers. It's not that we don't trust them because we do, but they might not trust Fred. By them I mostly mean Theo as he is very protective. Although Zabini has been giving me protective big brother vibes since we got here. He's been there on more than one occasion while I was... upset and even offered to kick Harry's ass when or if we return back to school.

I was sitting in the kitchen at the table with Pansy and Blaise who were talking about some school memories together, Theo who was reading some book that he found in his room and Draco's Aunt who was making coffee. Draco left the kitchen 45 minutes ago and we all assumed he needed a moment alone. He still hasn't fully recovered from that night.. Not that any of us expect him to be over that. It was traumatizing. I was sitting at the table in my own little world when Draco came rushing back in with something in his hand.

"He answered you." He says as he walks right over to me and dumps a letter in my hands. I look at the envelope in my hands. Fred's hand writing on the envelope with my name on it. He has always had nice hand writing and I've always loved the way he wrote my name.

"Who answered you?" Theo asks as he drops his book on the table and turns his attention to Draco and I.

"Um.. Fred." I mumble, not bothering to look up at any of them.

"You wrote to Fred...? Why?" Pansy asks me.

"We can explain later but my lord women, can you open the damn letter. I'm dying to know what he said." Draco says dramatically. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. I haven't been laughing as much as I used to lately so when I did, it felt good.

"Okay, patience Malfoy, damn." I tease before gently opening the envelope and pulling out the letter. All eyes in the room were focused on me as I read it.



I want to believe that what Harry told us isn't true because i'd like to think you're better than that but I don't know how to believe you when everything else he has told us has been true.

I mean you did take off with Malfoy and the rest of those Slytherins.

Hermione also informed us that the Nott kid you hangout with is one of them too... but you do have a point. You never got a chance to explain your side.

I can't convince Harry, Ron or Hermione to meet you because they won't change their opinions but George and I will meet you.

We will be at the joke shop tonight after closing if you want to speak to us. We will hear you out... I can't promise it'll change anything.

I hope you're safe at least.



I re read the letter twice to make sure I didn't misread anything and then looked up to meet Draco's eyes watching me carefully.

"So?" he asks inpatiently.

"He'll meet me." I say as I hand him the letter. "Him and George."

"Wait, meet you?" Theo says. "I don't think that's a good idea, Maya."

"I have to.." I say.

"It could be a trap." Pansy adds.

"I have to explain to them that what they think of me isn't who I am..."

"You're going to let her do this?" Blaise asks Draco.

"He doesn't own me. I can do whatever I want to." I say.

"It's her choice, Blaise." Draco jumps in. "But I'm going with her."


"You're not going alone, Maya." he demands. "You can talk to them alone, I'll wait at the door but it's not safe for you to go out by yourself."

"He's right Maya. It's not safe for us to go out alone..." Theo adds.

"For fuck sakes you guys are so protective." I yell. "Fine but you have to wait at the door."

"I will." Draco assures me. 

I nod.

At least they agreed to hear me out...


The boys were in the middle of an intense game of wizards chest in the kitchen while Pansy and I sat in the living room reading.

"Can I ask you something..?" Pansy asks as she sets her book down and comes to sit with me on the couch.


"Why does it matter so much to you what the Weasley's think of you?"

I know that Pansy has never liked or respected the Weasley's but I was always on good terms with the twins... even after Fred and I broke up.

"Fred and George were always there for me." I say. "I was always welcome to stay there for summer when I couldn't go to Theo's."

"But they turned on you, didn't they?" She asks.

"I guess.. not really. Ron never liked me, Ginny and I were close while I stayed there but she'll always chose Harry. Molly and Arthur have always liked Harry better. He's gryffindor."

"Fred and George?" she asks.

"Surprisingly it never mattered to those two what house I was in. Even after Fred and I broke up, the two of them never abandoned me."

"So this isn't about Harry then?" She asks.

"No." I admit. "He will never trust me and that's a shame because we're family but... that's on him."

She nods.

"You know, I admire you." She blurts out. "You've never needed anyone to be strong. You know how to look after yourself."

"I- Pansy I'm not as strong as you think I am. I'm definitely all put together. I'm a mess."

"Trust me, I know." She jokes. "But at the end of the day, no matter who leaves, you still keep fighting."

"What else can I do...?"

"It's just... even after you got the mark, you didn't change." she says. "You're still you. You're still loyal as fuck, and tough and you still care way too fucking much even when you shouldn't."

"You make me sound like a hufflepuff." I joke.

"I'm starting to wonder why you weren't put in Hufflepuff." She jokes and we both burst into laughter.

The laughter filled the room and allowed my nerves for tonight momentarily disappear and I could feel.. happy or relaxed.

However, that feeling didn't last long when the boys enter the room moments later with fear plastered on all of their faces and Draco clutching his arm.


Does this need to be happening right now...?

Impeccable fucking timing.

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