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Alex's POV:


Jensen was here. At the coffee shop. Right in front of me. Standing at a mere few feet distance. I stared at him and he looked back, his silver grey eyes boring into mine with an intensity that I can not even begin to fathom.

Breath Alex. Breath.

And In that moment I realised something...

Missing someone doesn't always mean you yearn to see them, long to meet with them, it's not always that simple. Missing someone is too abstract a thought to always mean a single thing. Right now looking at him, I realised I missed him immensely but I didn't want to meet him, or see him, or hear his voice, not really. I just missed the comfort of being with him, the comfort that was now lost.

Maybe that was a selfish thought, but I wanted to choose myself...at least once.

In my mind I had only thought of all the good times, the times that made me happy, times that made me wish certain moments would last indefinitely, the times I would look into his stormy wild eyes wanting to melt into them, but now that he was here in front of me, all I remembered was the reason why there was so much distance between us. Why I was heartbroken and how he was the reason. And a part of me wanted to resent him a bit more.

His lips moved and I saw the word form but didn't hear him, it was a mere whisper but I was certain he said my name softly. "Alex..." His voice lost to the wind, but in my mind I heard his deep voice, my mind putting the pieces together despite my reluctance.

I wasn't sure how to act. What to say? Or what to do? But about one thing I was absolutely certain, and that being the fact that I was furious.

I realised I had a choice to make, I could storm out of here or actually go talk to him, but- do I have anything to say? I couldn't even process when I chose the former as I turned around and walked, my feet carrying me further apart from him with each step.

"Alex wait-!" It didn't take long for him to follow me and soon he was blocking my path with his tall, broad physique.

I cursed his long legs as I stopped and took a step back, refusing to meet his eyes. "How are you? I'm sorry, you must be busy, by the way congratulations for your new job-"

"What are you doing here?" I had no idea how I managed to keep my voice calm.

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"I can't believe Josh helped you for this..." I thought out loud.

"Not exactly, I might have blackmailed him a little bit, but I wouldn't have to if you just picked up your phone." He said, sounding frustrated.

"This is really childish, don't you think?" I said looking up at him, my voice sounded stronger than I felt. "I thought you could take a hint."

"Alex please" he closed the little step I took away from him and wrapped his fingers around my wrist in a firm yet gentle grip "listen to me...."

The 'please' that he uttered caught me off guard, and I met his intense gaze. What I could see definitely hit hard, his eyes said a thousand words and none at the same time. The familiar warmth of his touch was stirring something in me and I had to get away.

"I need to get back to work Jensen, and I'm sure your schedule isn't exactly open for whatever this is..." I attempted to free my hand out of his grip but it only tightened.

"Can't you give me a few minutes?" He asked, looking frantic.

"Let go of my hand." He only frowned at me.

Twice In A Lifetime | Book 2 (Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat