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Alex's POV:


To nobody's surprise, the day was packed with absolute chaos and urgency. It was almost noon, and I was currently at Kyle's penthouse. Kyle was hungover this morning due to his bachelor's party, and I had to help him out of it.

He drank some disgusting looking drink to help himself, but to be honest it seemed to be working because in no time he looked absolutely fine. After he got over it, his mood had flipped one-eighty degrees, and currently, he's a little too excited to be getting married.

I stood in his room giving him company as he walked around whistling a tune and smiling in a carefree manner, as he picked out his tie for his tux and selected a pair of cufflinks.

"So?" I took a seat in the only available chair in the room and looked at him "you're all happy and excited huh? No cold feet, no pre-wedding jitters or anything?" I asked.

"Of course not. I know I'm making the right choice, so why cold feet?" Kyle merely shrugged.

"Right." I agreed. "Absolutely, marriage will make you truly happy, I mean.... look at mom and dad..." I trailed, while Kyle made a sound of agreement. We both knew that even though mom always keeps everyone in check and behaves stoic at times, she's the best and dad can't go a day without her.

"Of course you won't be doubting anything, it's Jenny who's getting the short end of the stick anyway..." I said as he momentarily froze.

Kyle pondered over that thought for a moment, before hesitantly agreeing, "Right..."

"I won't be surprised if she is second-guessing everything right now... It's only natural." I said.

"You think?" Kyle worried, his eyes have managed to widen in horror.

At this point, keeping up a straight face was proving harder than I thought. "Yeah," I nodded. "But, I'm sure everything will work out fine." Kyle tried to follow my words, still stuck in his state of panic, and was successful in pulling up a fear-stricken face.

"Oh shoot, I gotta run, I have duties as a responsible bridesmaid you see." I tapped my nonexistent wristwatch and then gently placed my hand on Kyle's shoulder. "Sam will be here soon, you'll be fine right?"

"I..... it's just, how? You...that-" Well, that made a lot of sense brother.

"What?" I pushed.

"I-... am I good enough for her?" He asked, now looking truly concerned. Aww.

A crack appeared in my resolve, as I struggled to keep my amusement bottled.

"Lexi, don't be mean, he's about to kneel over and pass out," Sam said appearing in the doorway and my brother looked at his best man.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing, while Kyle looked at me in disbelief, pieces finally clicking together.

"You're.... you're laughing?" He shook his head in disbelief. "How could you? You're so- so..."

"Genius?" I supplied. "That's payback for worrying me and Sam the other day," I said while Sam looked at me with amusement, trying not to laugh himself.

"I hate you!"

"Oh brother, I have always felt the same way," I smirked.

The next half hour Sam and I spent in reassuring Kyle, as we helped him prepare, while he sulked and I neglected my bridesmaid's duties.

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