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DISCLAIMER: This chapter is a little bit scandalous, I can't believe I wrote this. *Hides* Also....don't get your hopes up.




Alex's POV:


It was getting late and then Jensen decided for the two of us that it was time for bed. He had already made up his mind that he was staying over and I didn't mind, I just pointed him in the direction of the spare bathroom. He joked again about showering together but left with a smirk when I rejected the offer.

I felt like I was seeing a different side of Jensen, this was a much lighter side, he wasn't putting up a front. This Jensen was carefree, he joked more often and he didn't hold back; not when it came to twisting my words into something unbelievably suggestive, or his constant stream of innuendos, it was definitely new.

But I was glad to know he was comfortable with me, everything that had happened between us recently didn't make it awkward or compromise the friendship we always had, but to add to that there was an electricity between us a new tension, that was flickering higher and brighter, and promised something carnal and sensual.

I grabbed everything I needed, went to lock myself in the bathroom and then sighed in relief. The mirror clearly reflected how flustered I was under the bright glaring bathroom lights and I splashed some water on my face in an attempt to feel normal.

The thought that we were alone in a room for the first time since the Paris trip wasn't leaving my mind, and so it didn't help my flushed state.

I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth, pushing all other thoughts to the back of my mind.

I am not gonna overthink this...

After a warm shower, I felt much better. I pulled on my usual sleepwear, and since my hair was still damp I tried towel drying until the water stopped dripping everywhere.

When I stepped back into the room, Jensen was already there. He was facing me but his attention was temporarily drawn towards the lapels of his robe, for a moment I just stopped dead on the spot, my movements ceased completely.

I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop staring. "What are you doing?" I had asked before I even knew I was speaking.

He was standing there sporting dark track pants and a casual thin grey robe that was left undone, giving a glimpse of his sunkissed bronze skin and his strong sculptured body. He looked up at hearing me, and then a cryptic smile sparked in his eyes, "I'm trying to seduce you, what does it look like?"

I laughed "Is that so?"

"Is it working?" He asked, mischievously.

A little too well.

But I didn't say that and I couldn't think of anything else to say because I realised the way he was looking at me. I wore a loose, long tee and shorts which weren't exactly sexy, but it was apparent that he approved, his deep eyes were eminently expressive. I was about to say something sarcastic to break the tension, but when he crossed the room towards me and took me in his arms, my unspoken words were silenced.

He held me close and buried his face in the dip of my neck, breathing in "It seems you beat me to the punch." He said softly, "God, you smell so good."

"Jensen..." His name came out breathy, but I forgot what I was about to say next, when he kissed my neck softly, just below my ear, almost like a whisper, and I was a goner.

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