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Chapter 7: MAKE IT QUICK


Alex's POV:


Everyone was sitting around the dinner table talking, laughing and having fun as we shared funny stories... everybody was having fun except for me.

Because...well, guess who was sitting next to me? Yes. Him.

Jensen insisted he needs to sit next to me at the dinner table as we had a lot of 'catching up' to do. I glared at him while my face hurt with the effort of keeping up a smile.

He's been quite stubborn so far, I've never seen him behave this way, and to be honest it was confusing. Even earlier when we were all sitting in the living room, Jensen talked to me almost entirely disregarding my hostile reaction towards him.

My answer for every one of his questions was not more than one word, I tried to speak as little as I could, and sometimes a nod or a grunt was all he received, but he still won't back down.

And now, I don't know how this happened but apparently we were now competing in a race of 'who could be more obstinate'. It was entirely too childish and petty, but I wasn't going to let him win. No way!

I decided to eat the delicious food in front of me and ignore his existence.

"Frankly, he really is weird...Jenny don't be surprised if he asks for an otter as a pet." I heard mom say, just as I paid attention to what was going on, everyone laughed, except Kyle.

No need to guess who the joke is on.

"Mom, that was years ago.." My brother complained, "I was a kid!"

"You were fourteen." I said flatly. I remembered that story, Kyle cried when he wanted a pet and I was ready to trade him for a goat.

"Don't worry, I'll get him a plant if he throws a fit." Jenny said to my mom, to Kyle's obvious displeasure and everybody laughed again.

"But our young star is quite talented in the kitchen" Lydia tried to make him feel better by praising him "last time he visited, he made the best white sauce spaghetti."

"What?! You never make spaghetti for me!" I complained, narrowing my eyes at Kyle.

"That's because, as far as I remember, the last time I asked you for a cup of coffee, I expected it without laxatives." He shot back.

"Oh, grow up. It was years ago" I rolled my eyes at his stupid grudge and concentrated on my plate of delicious roasted chicken.

"Alex," Jensen said, not loud enough for everyone to hear but I heard it loud and clear, and acted like I didn't.

"Alexandra," This time it was annoying.

"What?" I turned to look at him, and raised an eyebrow.

"Hi" he smirked.

"Really?" Was he really doing this?

"Yes, I guess so." He shrugged.

I shook my head to myself and looked away.

"Did I tell you that you're looking gorgeous tonight?" He quietly said.

I froze, didn't meet his eyes and probably blushed like my face was ablaze.

What the hell! This was not helping my case.

I composed myself quickly and faced him to say, "And you look below average." That was obviously a lie but I wanted to knock him down a peg.

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