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Jensen's POV:


Thursday came quicker than ever. The hospital was clean, pristine, smelled of antiseptic and disinfectants. The usual.

Alex was next to me as we walked the long hallway towards a particular ward, I had no idea where we were going, I just followed Alex.

People in wheelchairs and stretchers were being transported from one floor to another and we did our best not to get in the way.

Alex knew where to go, what to do, who to talk to, she had done it all before and it showed. She went straight to the receptionist and started talking "Hey, Leah! How's it going?" she greeted.

"Alex! It's time for your appointment already?" the petite receptionist said, smiling back at her, they were both very close from what I could see.

Alex smiled, "Like clockwork."

"And who's the handsome hunk?" Leah asked, looking at me, and raised an eyebrow as she met Alex's gaze. "Boyfriend?"

She blushed and gave herself away, "We are friends with benefits." I answered for her and got a pointy elbow in the ribs. Ouch.

"Shut up." Alex scolded me while the receptionist laughed.

"This is Jensen, my boyfriend." She introduced, "and Leah is my friend for all things medicine."

We shook hands, "Nice to meet you." I smiled, but my smile was mostly because of the way Alex introduced me.

"Be good to her." The Leah girl said to me, and I nodded.

"Leah, if at all mom asks, 'Jensen was never here'." Alex said and she chuckled with intrigued amusement.

"You got it." Leah agreed.

"Is Dr Matthew in?" Alex asked Leah.

"He sure is, go on ahead for your tests, I'll tell him you're here." She replied.

We parted ways and then we were in an elevator ascending a few floors. I wanted to accompany her so that she wasn't alone or feel like she had no one, but it seemed I was slowing her down. Despite all the research, this wasn't something I could prepare for.

Alex was calm, her face blank, but I looked carefully and realised it was a facade. She was nervous and tense, she was trying to hide it but her hand was trembling and I reached out to hold it in mine, lending my strength, her eyes looked up to meet my gaze as I rubbed her arm trying to calm her down. "Hey... I'm here." I said.

She smiled looking at me, "how could I forget, you threw a tantrum to come along like a four-year-old."

"Is that how it seemed, I was aiming for a little mature, seven-year-old tantrum.... maybe next time," I said with a straight face and she laughed.

The elevator dinged and we stepped out, it only took a short walk and soon we were standing in front of the examination room. The assistant told me to wait outside in the waiting area for family and friends.

"I'll be back soon," Alex said as she took her shoes off before entering.

"Take your time," I said, as I pressed a kiss to her hair and stayed outside, sitting in one of the chairs.

After a few minutes passed, I realised why Alex was telling me not to come with, my mind travelled to weird places, thinking of all the 'what ifs' and the worst-case scenarios...

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