(35) Cocky? Check.

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[Valentina's POV]

Today's morning was comparatively more exciting and filled with happiness for me, and that is because Dad would have arrived back at home by the time I return from school.

There's another set of excitement coursing through me. Tomorrow we'll be leaving for Italy and since my birthday's going to spent there I cannot seem to be able to wait.

The next couple days are marked fun in my calendar.

"Val you'll need to go to school alone today as we're required to help Enzo and Elijah finish some important work today before we leave for Italy tomorrow", Xander informed at the breakfast table.

"Yeah Val, if we want to leave tomorrow then we need to finish up with lots of work today so the vacation goes peacefully", smiled Enzo.

"Okay then do I have to go to school? I can help you too", I offer.

"Yeah with what?", smirked Matteo knowing I really won't be much of a help here.

I glare at him.

"No Val you don't have to miss school. These three are going through suspension right now and that's why they're not going to school and helping us with some work here", Ales said, sending a pointed look towards them.

"Oooh yeah. Enjoy suspension boys", I smirked.

They rolled their eyes.

"Ben has agreed to drop you today. He's going to be working with us here anyway", Elijah shrugged.

"Ready when you are", Ben came in smiling.

"Let's go Ben. Bye guys", I say standing up

"Don't miss your big brothers Valentina", Xavier sang to me.

"Of course I won't. I'm going to enjoy the one day my annoying brothers won't be hovering over me the entire time. I'm actually going to have fun today", I smirk

The twins and Matteo mock a heartbroken face.

Ales gave me a look with eyebrows raised 'dont you dare get in trouble face'


"But I won't have so much fun which will get me into trouble", I say quickly in a duh voice

My brothers laugh at that.

I turn and leave towards the parking lot. Ben following me chuckling himself.

Ben drove me to school and dropped me and left once I entered the school.

I get in and go towards my locker first. I was taking out some books and stuffs I'll need for my classes.

"Heya Val", I heard Kai shout

I turn towards the voice and see my squad coming towards my locker.

"Heya guys good morning!", I greet them

"Good morning", they smile greeting back.

"Hey I didn't see your brothers come in today?", Liam asked confused

"Well for one they're suspended remember? Second they're helping the elder brothers in some business work so we can leave tomorrow peacefully", I explain

"Oh yeah suspension coz of yesterday I forgot", Liam said nodding

"Leave tomorrow? You're going somewhere?", asked Iris

"Yeah! Me and my family are leaving for Italy tomorrow", I smiled excitedly

"Oh that's a great spot for vacation", Kai smiled

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