(4) Meeting them

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[Valentina's POV]

Turns out it was my father.

I'm not sure how he felt about mom's death when I told him all about it. Surely he must have felt something. Anyway even if he did, he didn't say anything.

For some wild reason I thought he might not believe me. I mean how often does one call someone and say they're related this way out of nowhere? But to my astonishment he was sure about my honesty.

He asked me to save his number first which was both weird and sweet. Then he promised me to arrange for a flight ticket to New York where he said he and his sons live. The one thing he was very clear about was that he'll adopt me. He told me twice over our ten minute conversation that he will.

He wasn't warm or fuzzy at all. Infact I didn't even feel like he was my father. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to hear an overjoyed man ecstatic on being connected with his long lost daughter. But then again I'm not sure what I was expecting.

Oh, and his name's Vincenzo Costello.

A very Italian name I realised. The fact that I knew literally nothing about this man except his name felt a pang in my heart. How did my life get this crazy?

Soon enough it was time to bid goodbye to my best friends who'd come to visit me at the airport before my departure to New York.

"Oh man. I don't want you to go!", Stacy whines like a baby.

"This sucks. We won't be able to see you anymore now", Ryan frowned sadly.

"Guys come on, there's nothing to be  upset about. We'll obviously stay in touch. I know I'll face time everyday and try to visit soon", I reassured them for probably hundredth time.

For some reason they're afraid I'm getting kidnapped. These two encouraged me to call my father and now they're not even sure if I should leave. A sigh escaped me.

"You better young lady or I'm gonna come there and whoop your ass", Stacy warned me seriously.

Ryan frantically nods in support giving me a pointed look. "You know she will! And I won't stop her!"

A hearty laugh escaped me. "Okay done."

"We're gonna miss you so much", Ryan sighed sadly.

"Obviously you're gonna. I mean I'm literally the most happening thing in your life", I chuckled teasing them, lightening up the mood.

Stacy chuckled while Ryan playfully glared at me.

After a long hug with both of them I finally wave goodbye and push my luggage with me inside the airport. It was tough leaving the only place I've ever known and lived at. It's also a little scary to move to a whole new world with new people.

There's no doubt I'll miss Ryan and Stacy like crazy. Nobody can replace their place in my life.

Once the plane took off I knew there was no going back. I have to accept this new life and people I know nothing about. Speaking of which, I cannot believe I have brothers.

For someone who's grown up with no siblings, it's kinda nice to know I have brothers. But I can't tell what they'll be like. My father didn't tell me much, but just let me know that one of my brothers will pick me up at the airport.

I didn't ask why would he not come.


After landing at the New York airport I dragged my luggage outside looking around the area for that one guy who's supposed to be here for me. I glance at my phone and the picture my father sent me.

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