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[Valentina's POV]

The doctor's appointment went well. My injuries, as expected, weren't serious and my father made sure that was the case by cross questioning the poor doctor multiple times.

Also, on our ride back home, I learned that Elijah is a doctor too. That made me wonder why Dad took me to a different doctor while Elijah could have easily assessed me at home.

Guess he sensed my confusion  because then he told me that the doctor he took me to was their family doctor since before Elijah even became a qualified medical professional. That man holds every single one of my family member's medical history so Elijah himself suggested that I'd be taken there.

A part of me was curious to know if they wondered I'd be more comfortable around a family doctor rather than a brother who was literally a stranger until yesterday.

Either way I didn't ask. But in my mind I knew I'm comfortable around Elijah. He's nice.

Next morning a terrifying nightmare woke me up before the sun could. I realised I was sweating buckets and my heart was compromising for my lack of breathing by beating rapidly.

Once I assured myself that I'm in New York at my father's home and not back in Texas with Jack shooting my mom again and again in my nightmare I relaxed. Since I was up anyway, I got out of bed and decided to take a shower.

Unsurprisingly I was ready to go downstairs quite early in the morning. I figured if no one's wake yet I could prepare today's breakfast as a thank you for taking me in.

So with that mindset I entered the kitchen not really expecting anyone to be awake yet. But I paused in surprise when my eyes spotted Enzo in the kitchen. Judging by his clothes I guessed he just returned from an early morning jog or something.

"Good morning", I greeted smiling.

He jumped in surprise causing the lid of the blender he was holding to fly off his hand and land on the titled floor before he could turn to look at me. My expression turned sheepish seeing that.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you", I smiled, with my hands behind my back.

Enzo lowered down to pick up the lid before shaking his head at me. "Don't apologise. I just didn't expect anyone to be awake this early because usually no one is."

"Anyway, good morning!", He smiled brightly.

I chuckled walking inside.

"Do you normally wake up this early?", Enzo asked curiously.

"Not really. Mom usually has to pull me out of bed on our bad days. On good days, she just needs to yell my name ten times", I shrugged making him laugh.

"Why am I not surprised? You're the same as the twins and Matteo. God knows when they'll grow up", Enzo sighs dramatically.

I watched him blend some veggies and healthy looking stuff which gave the liquid inside a dirty green look. I was almost immediately grossed out.

"Enzo that looks like it could give you food poisoning", I grimaced.

"Oh no no no. This shake is extra nutritious, high in protein and healthy for our immune system bambina. Best after a workout. It's my own recipe", Enzo boasted proudly. "Not to mention, super tasty."

"I have no doubt that thing is healthy for you. But how can you vouch for it's taste? It has all those vegetables and heck it even appears gross", I gagged a little, imagining it pour down my throat.

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