(8) Family from Italy

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[Valentina's POV]

Unsurprisingly the next day I woke up in the living room couch. Looking around with my sleepy eyes I found  Matteo sprawled on the ground covered with a duvet sleeping soundly, his mouth slightly open.

I push myself up from the couch yawning and carried my quilt over my shoulder up to my room. As I headed up the stairs I see Elijah walking downstairs.

We paused looking at each other and he smiled gently. "Good morning."

"Good morning", I smiled sleepily with my eyes closed.

He climbed down the last two steps between us and hugs me. I relax into him feeling like I could sleep again. "You sleep well?"

I hummed nodding.

"I'm glad. Take a shower and come down for breakfast, alright? I'll go and help Enzo in the kitchen", Elijah patted my back.

I hummed again in reply.

Elijah slowly started pulling back, but I held on tighter, a small frown on my face. "Don't. This is comfortable", I sigh.

Elijah chuckled softly kissing the top of my head. He let me be like that for some time before he said he needed to help Enzo with breakfast and also wake up Matteo.

As I was brushing my teeth it hit me that we're having visitors today. By the end of the day I'll have already met my extended family. Not sure how it's gonna go, but I hope they like me.

I paused staring at myself in the mirror. These experiences are new to me. I don't remember the last time I was actually nervous about meeting new people.

Once I started thinking and worrying about their arrival there was nothing that could distract me. Even during breakfast I was lost in my own thoughts.

God this is nerve wrecking.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my trance. I turn to my left to find and Xander looking at me with a frown.

"Is everything okay? Dad called you three times and you didn't answer", He said.

I look around the table and realised  everyone's eyes were on me. "Oh, I'm sorry Dad, what were you saying?"

"Forget about that. What happened to you? Are you okay?", Dad asked sincerely.

"I'm alright", I nodded.

"Doesn't look like it", Ales gave me a pointer look. "Is it about yesterday? Those nightmares still disturbing you? You didn't sleep well yesterday?"

I shook my head. "No infact I had the best sleep yesterday after a long time. Thanks to you and everybody else for spending time with me and literally falling asleep around me."

"What is it then, Val?", Enzo asked curiously.

I sighed, my hands resting on the table before me. "It's nothing serious, infact silly. Um.. I'm just so nervous about seeing all of our cousins and  family for the first time", I announce sheepishly.

I see everyone visibly relax as if they were expecting something else. They smiled at me and continued eating like it's no big deal.

"I knew it's too silly", I was embarrassed.

"No it's not", Dad shook his head. "I can understand this is a lot for you to take. You're basically going to meet a bunch of strangers we said are family."

"Exactly. But you don't have to be nervous. You'll get along with them alright. They're good people", Ales assured.

"Hell yeah!", Matteo jumps in his chair making others chuckle.

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