(23) Kidnapped (part 2)

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Valentina's POV:

My head was hurting when I woke up. I open my eyes and saw a dark cell like room with only one bulb on top. I looked at myself and saw I was tied up in a chair.

I remembered everything that happened and realise I'm kidnapped.

Oh god..

Wait..Max..where is he?

I looked around but saw only me in the small cell. I got worried, where is he? Is he okay? He was crying when we left home. Is he fine now? Why is he not with me? I promised I'll keep him safe.

Yeah I promised I will keep him safe when I myself am kidnapped..

Suddenly I heard click of the door's lock. I look forward and squint my eyes to see someone coming in.

"Ahh you're awake", said someone

"Where is my brother? Who are you? Where am I?", I bombard him with questions

"Woah calm down Valentina. One question at a time", he said coming into my view in light.

He looked like he was about my Dad's age.

"Let me start with introducing myself. I'm Vladimir Ivanov. I'm assuming you must know about me", he chuckled

So this is the Russian mafia don bastard..

"Of course, you're the son of a bitch who sent Jack who killed my mother and later beat me and threatened me", I snarl at him

He looked pissed immediately and punched me on my face.

Damn that hurt bad..

I feel immense pain on my jaw.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that bitch. I won't tolerate disrespect", he growled

"You want me to respect you? The one who is responsible for my mother's death? The one who kidnapped me?", I asked looking at him as if he is dumb

Seriously who respects their kidnapper? What am I supposed to touch his feet and thank him for not killing me immediately?

"Hmm I understand you might not like me but to answer the rest of your questions you are in my mafia building and your brother is safely sleeping..he's very cute btw", he replied sitting down in front of me pulling a chair from somewhere.

"I want my brother. Please bring him to me", I request him.

I can't be away from him knowing we are in a dangerous place.

"Oh trust me I'll bring him to you soon after I ask you some questions. I don't intend to keep him away from you. My men told me how much of a annoying brat he is..always crying. I won't be able to tolerate him", he said smiling

I grit my teeth when he called Max a brat.

"So the famous Valentina Costello, what do you know about your brother's mafia?", he asked.

I didn't reply and just stared at him.

"Start speaking soon Valentina if you don't want to see my bad side and maybe hurt your little cute brother", he warns

That made me speak.

"I don't know anything about it", I say

He scoffed.

"You should know one more thing. I don't tolerate liars", he warns again

"Yeah? What should I do about that?", I sassed.

I know I shouldn't show attitude to him but I can't just bow down to him.

"I'm warning you with the attitude Valentina. Don't test my patience", he snarled

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