Chapter 145 - Inception

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(Image credit of the bee fixin' to get busy - Craig Strahorn at


"Dijun, what happened?" she asked quietly still inspecting the wound on his hand. "Who chomped at it?"

"It's fine, Xiao Bai," he whispered back and nuzzled her nose. He traced her jawline with his lips. He internally cursed at himself for not having healed the wound himself and for letting her find it. He gently moved his hand from her grasp and dropped his naked hips into hers, moving provocatively, shamelessly, and slowly as he tried to employ a most pleasurable seduction stratagem to distract her from a subject he'd rather avoid talking about.

To his surprise, she turned her face to the side, avoiding his lips as they skimmed the surface of her skin.

"No love-play, sweet-play, or soft-play until you answer my questions," she said firmly. 

She had echoed his words and apparently, his lustrous silvery-white hair wasn't the only bargaining chip in exchange for truthful answers.

Dong Hua opened his eyes and retracted his lingering lips. His little fox was serious. She refused to look at him. She was not partaking in any of the honey pot he was trying to tempt her with.

He sighed and laid on his side propped on his arm before he extended his long slender forefinger out to guide her chin to turn and face him.

He placed his hand back into her small palm, letting her gently hold onto it.

He realized that if he hadn't learned his lesson by now, he really was hopeless. His little fox did not like to be kept in the dark and his history of withholding the truth from her about things like this, never turned out well.

They had spent enough years on separate sides of the same metaphorical island, estranged because he didn't know how to talk about certain things, or rather wouldn't try to talk about them.

Learning to become comfortable with the uncomfortable was a hard lesson for him to learn.

He was quiet as she gently and carefully inspected his wound.

"These are big jaws," she remarked quietly as if she was talking to herself. "I only wish my mouth could do so much damage," she murmured as he tried to suppress a smile.

He wanted to tell her that she was so much mightier than she knew. The hot springs and the surrounding forest was about to be razed to the ground had she continued with her mouth-play assault earlier. But, that would be a conversation for another time. Currently, his little fox detective was leading an investigation and he knew better than to interrupt her work.

"Does it hurt?" she asked while finally looking up at him.

"No," he replied quietly. He could feel his body tense at the anticipation. While his resistance was making it hard for him to initiate giving up the answers she wanted, he knew that if she asked, he could not deny her the honesty that a wife deserved from her husband, mate, and life partner.

"When did this happen? It had to have happened while we were in the water. From the looks of what's left, the wound was a lot worse before. The hot springs have a mild healing affect, so you're no longer bleeding."

He simply nodded. He observed an annoying knot twisting in his stomach.

"It happened when ... we were love-playing," he whispered.

She held his gaze quietly without saying anything, waiting for him to continue.

He swallowed and felt the uncomfortable lump in his throat that felt as big as the tall boulder that had been so supportive during their rigorous love-play.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now