Extra 2: Professor Rickman's Rehearsal Period

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This chapter is brought to you by Say it Ain't So by Weezer. 

Edited by: bafflinghaze


Acting wasn't for everyone.

In the case of Professor Rickman's Literature/Alchemy class, it just so happened that there was a difference between struggling... and hopelessness.

Whatever perfection was witnessed on that last rehearsal before the official performance had to have started somewhere.

In this case, we go back to when the class was utterly hopeless.

"—No, Marcellus! You absolute idiot! Why haven't you memorized your lines, yet? I have given you weeks!"

Professor Rickman was in an ominous mood today.

The 'official' rehearsal for the Noble Academy Senior Second Year Spring Production of The Tragedy of Ohmlet had taken off a long while ago and... well, a majority of the students were working hard.

"Enough! Go home and memorize your lines. Where is Benedick and Phelan? Get them ready for the next scene!"

Unfortunately, there were still some areas that needed to be fixed...

(Such as the two main leads.)

Neo wished he could steer clear of his professor, he really did, but he witnessed the man blow up more than once at the students playing supporting roles this whole day, so he was mostly obedient throughout rehearsal.

He worked on a few solo scenes, which, according to Professor Rickman, was satisfactory.

Neo really regretted trying on that quiz on the alchemical elements. If he'd known it was the deciding factor for their roles in the annual school play, he would have taken notes from his former self and bombed the test entirely.

At least then, he would be demoted to the technical department.

Tybalt was the only person in their group who got the same role in his last life.

Finneas never played Sir Gilde. The role used to belong to Fredrick Meyers, who–for some unknown reason–was transferred out of the class a few months back.

Finneas played Lady Rose last time around, though Neo was smart enough not to tell him that.

He was a Dagon. It would be a disgrace for him to perform poorly on an Alchemy test. Also, considering how he used to act, the role was befitting for his previous character setting.

Neo glanced over to the opposite side of the stage and saw the other boy cuss out a student who was trying to convince him to wear a giant tricorn hat that was definitely not historically accurate to the time period of the Tragedy of Ohmlet.

Finneas not being the innocent crying lamb only reinforced the idea of Nazareth being too much of a self-centered douche. Taking into account the fact that Finneas was uncomfortable speaking with him really said a lot about what a shitty friend he used to be.

Neo didn't fault the other for his betrayal, either. Finneas had every right to feel resentful after all the damage Nazareth caused.

There was a terrorist attack he ordered in his Third Year. Many students were killed, and Professor Rickman died protecting them. He was buried alive in the rubble somewhere when several buildings exploded.

Professor Rickman was related to Finneas through his mother's side and was his favorite uncle.

Neo looked down at his hands and shook away the remnants of a memory he wished to forget.

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