Chapter 38: Aurelion p.2

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This chapter is brought to you by Stay Here by Gaho.

Edited by: bafflinghaze


West Wing, Odum Manor

Barefooted, Neo wandered down the hall with a blanket over himself and a night pearl to light his path.

His hair was damp from a late-night bath. He hadn't bothered to tame the strands so they fell loosely and brushed his shoulders.

He wore a set of black silk sleeping robes, courtesy of Rainier who had left it on his bed before excusing himself for the evening. There was something urgent he needed to do, hence he left earlier than usual.

Neo made little effort to wear the robes properly. His neck and collarbone were exposed due to how loose he had tied the sashes.

If anyone were to stumble upon him in this state of Don't-Give-A-Fuck Casual, they would likely faint at the lack of modesty.

The hallway was dark and devoid of servants. Night shifts and patrols happened between the walls and hidden passages; hence the reason Neo even had the audacity to look the way he did right now.

The night pearl flickered a couple of times and proceeded to shine even brighter. Neo mentally made a note to write that down in his report.

This was no ordinary night pearl. Supposedly, it was a new and improved version of the current ones on the market.

The Beast Breeding Department of the Magic Tower had bred a new variant of Night Oysters that could produce night pearls with a stronger glow. Unfortunately, the pearls tended to flicker and flash every couple of minutes, a flaw that Neo was starting to notice as a beta tester.

Quill was the one who designed the maintenance seal to keep the pearls glowing for a year. There was either a problem with the seal or something wrong with the new oysters.

(He decided not to think about the future beef he was about to create for the Beast Breeding and Charm Department after writing his report.)

Speaking of the Magic Tower, the anti-Slave Emblem was on the verge of another breakthrough. He was 97% percent sure the next prototype would be a success, but he needed to wait.

For the last few days, he was experiencing another relapse, and the last thing he wanted to do when having a relapse was to start an experiment.

This lesson was learned the hard way when he first started working as a researcher. His sponsors had sent him to a laboratory so shitty, its researchers were running on fumes.

Of course, none of his sponsors knew about it until much, much later.

All the researchers were locked inside the labs all day, trying to crack open their heads so they could think. But it was so hard to think up solutions and answers when no one had seen the sky in days.

Mental health was plummeting like crazy in that sort of environment, and Neo was in there for weeks. He couldn't find the time to get in contact with his therapist, and this eventually led to a regression in his mental health.

It was a bad time.

The company was pressuring the researchers to give the green light on an experiment, and he fucked up by giving in to their demands despite his values and caused a disastrous loss of resources.

His decision-making skills were poor, and his mind couldn't operate the way it was supposed to from the stress.

The safety of some of the voluntary participants in the drug trial was compromised.

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