Chapter 35: Asphodel

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This chapter is brought to you by Suffering for Love by EDEN. 

Edited by: bafflinghaze


Three Hours Ago

Bright red vermillion eyes stared at the ceiling of a bedroom reminiscent of a sick patient in a healer's ward.

Julius couldn't remember what it was like to wake up every day and not wince at the painful pressure coursing through his veins.

Since the day he was nearly assassinated, he had only ever known the tingling beneath his skin and the prickle of his pores. Every inch of his body was constantly sore as if it held an unspeakable weight that was difficult to bear.

The invisible splinters and needles pierced every inch of him and twisted, testing the very extent of his tolerance and fortitude—yet he could do nothing to get rid of them.

Pain was a constant companion for Julius. He would have wished he lost a limb instead, but alas, his problem stemmed from his psyche rather than any physical injuries.

It was difficult to move, even more so when it rained.

Yet, in the sweltering heat of early summer, Julius was dealing with fevers and an ache in his body that could rival any previous discomfort.

Days and nights blended together until all he could see were shadows behind his heavy curtains, dark enough to blot out the sun and moon.

His bedroom stunk with bitter medicine and burning incense, his sheets and blankets were constantly stained with sleeping draughts, and there was a discomfort crawling beneath his skin from not having had a real bath in weeks.

Being sponged down once a day could only do so much...

That morning, Julius awoke from his fever-ridden haze with a mild sore in his limbs and a small migraine drilling into his skull. He had not felt as good as he did in a long time.

To be able to move at all was a blessing whenever he awoke from his bedridden state.

His shaking hands slowly reached for a rope next to the bed and he tugged it with what little strength he had, wincing slightly when he felt his joints protesting against the action.

The curtains parted.

Sunlight streamed into the room little by little, reflecting off the soft long tresses of golden hair belonging to the young man with a face like delicate white porcelain and eyes akin to a massacre at sunset.

There was a knock at the door.

"... Come in," Julius said, his voice hoarse and dry from disuse.

His personal servant, Thomas, stepped inside with a greeting.

"Good morning, Master."

Julius nodded impassively, "... Morning."

Thomas made his way over. The servant gingerly pulled the covers back and carefully helped the young man from the bed.

Julius gritted his teeth as he felt invisible arrows shooting through his spine. His breath grew labored, but Thomas continued to hold him steady. Julius was soon brought over to the edge of the bed.

Once he was properly settled into a sitting position, Thomas presented him with a white ribbon.

"Would Master like me to—"

"I will do it myself."

"Of course, Master," the servant instantly conceded.

Julius placed the ribbon over his bare neck. He felt the familiar texture of the special seal pattern stitched on the inside of the silk over the center of his throat. He skillfully wrapped the ribbon around his neck a couple more times and tied it with deft hands.

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