Chapter 32: Friends

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Edited by: bafflinghaze


As the spring quarter gradually approached its end, Neo and his classmates were frantically preparing for their quarter-end project assignment, The Tragedy of Ohmlet.

The school theatre had been practically taken over by Professor Rickman, who was more and more critical as the deadline of the show loomed close.

After the incident with Elliot, Serian, and Lester, Neo was punished for being late to rehearsal. Rickman ran him through his lines until his stepmother had to pick him up via horseback due to how late in the evening it was.

His professor hated iron for not being steel and remained dissatisfied to the very end.

Personally, Neo didn't think there was any problem with his acting.

Professor Rickman did.

After being roasted for three hours, he was told to go home and practice his lines until he vomited.

Royce and Tybalt took pity on him since they had a lot of scenes with him. Finneas... Finneas was in the same boat as him, much to his uncle's displeasure.

Thankfully, since they made plans to meet up and practice anyway, his friends ended up spending their weekend break at the Odum Manor.

They've been practicing their lines since noon, which revealed how fucked the entire class was.


"Finny, you need to lower your chin. You can't be shouting at the ceiling."

"Watch me."

Tybalt massaged his temple. "Stop tightening your grip. I think you're crushing Naza's hands."

"We've been holding hands for two fucking hours!"

Nonetheless, the hand holding was adjusted.

Tybalt pretended he didn't hear him and continued, "Can you also deliver your lines more gently? Without the swearing?"

"I second that."

Finneas scowled. "Shut up, Benedick, you die first. Your opinions don't matter."

Royce looked like he was about to strangle him.

Tybalt's gaze fell on Nazareth, who stood there like an uninvolved party.

"Naza, you need to repeat those lines with more passion."



Rather than Nazareth being the sole problem to their predicament, it looked like Finneas was also a major issue.

The two who were picked for the leading roles (for some god-awful reason no one could figure out) were not qualified to play Rose and Gilde.

And Tybalt meant that in the nicest way possible.

After watching Nazareth and Finneas perform their scenes together, he suddenly realized why Professor Rickman always wore a look of eternal suffering and regret on his face.

Finneas was a stiff board and delivered his lines too harshly to be understood, a contrast to his character, who was supposed to be sweet and gentle-natured.

Nazareth, on the other hand, read his lines the same way as listing out a grocery list.

It was clear how unhappy he was about playing Lady Rose, a girl portrayed as both passionately in love and sickly. She was a very dramatic character with no other discernible personality besides coughing out blood or blindly monologuing how much she loved Sir Gilde.

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