Chapter 9: Academy

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Edited by: bafflinghaze


In the early morning, servants have already woken up for work. Their footsteps could be heard throughout all four corners of the manor halls and its outer grounds.

In the West Wing of the Manor, the eldest Young Master remained deeply asleep in his bedroom, eyes shut like a corpse beneath his covers.

The door to his bedroom opened up.

Rainier entered the room with a polite greeting on his lips, "Good morning, Young Master Nazareth."

He drew the thick window curtains wide apart and pushed the window open, allowing the light to filter inside. After tying the curtains to the side, he turned to the ridiculous mound on top of the bed.

Under a cocoon of blankets and luxurious fur laid an unmoving lump that deeply wished to remain where he was for another hour or two.

"Young Master?"

The servant heard a groan.

Unbothered by the appearance, Rainier approached the bed and skillfully began removing the covers one at a time.

The cocoon slowly disappeared, its layers discarded to the side. Finally, the Young Master was revealed lying underneath. It was a wonder how he hadn't suffocated.

Black messy hair was exposed, covering the Young Master's face like a wraith. He was lying flat on his back like the dead, hands on his stomach and clasped together.


Rainier couldn't see the Young Master, but his other senses offered this image to his head.

It was a hilarious sight, but he was nothing if not a professional. He kept his own thoughts to himself and gently shook the Young Master, rousing him from his sleep.

Vermillion eyes snapped open wide. The Young Master sat up automatically like a stiff doll.

He almost headbutted Rainier in his haste.

With quick reflexes, the servant caught the Young Master by the forehead with the palm of his hand, holding the other still so he wouldn't hurt himself so early in the morning.

"Good morning, Young Master," Rainier smiled brightly.


Neo blinked. He squinted when he saw the way sunlight reflected off of Rainier's pearly white teeth. It was too early to take in his unusually charming smile.

He grunted.

Rainier manhandled him into a sitting position on the side of his bed.

Neo yawned into the back of his hand, his eyes still half-lidded from sleep.

This body did not have the same biological clock as the one he had in the modern world.

Last night, the ruined anti-emblem needed to be burned and disposed of quickly before the Warrior Blood Blossom Extract could fully infuse with the outlines.

Talisman work was a bit like pseudoscience. You either burnt down your house or you didn't. There was no middle ground to these things.

When he finally managed to burn it to ash, he had to remake the emblem in preparation for his next attempt.

Unfortunately, halfway into working on the outline, his inner perfectionist decided the design wasn't good enough and scrapped about half the initial markings. He spent another three hours reworking a new outline and lost sleep.

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