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February 9, 1945,

Flo had never felt worse in her life. Sitting on the back of the truck she was coughing and her eyes kept drooping as she struggled to stay awake, no wonder the papers called them 'The Battered Bastards of Bastogne' it was a very apt title as the slight quiet had allowed them to think of all the men they had lost and Flo didn't think she would ever be able to sleep again without seeing their faces in her sleep. 

Flo was sat on a truck with her head on Bull's shoulder while he and Johnny were talking about what was to come, she had tuned out of their conversation and was lightly napping before she had to go and help Gene set up an aid station in Haguenau when she was pulled out of her trance. She was on the truck with the first platoon because it was peaceful and she really wasn't in the mood for the shitty banter and dark jokes that would come out of some of the mouths of the 2nd platooners. 

"Well look what I've found. Hey guys, Sergeant Martin" she heard a voice she thinks was Webster, she didn't bother opening her eyes knowing he was about to get slated for missing Bastogne. 

"What do you want Private?" she heard Foley ask as Webster replied still quite cheery to be back which made her raise her eyebrows a tad.

"Oh I'm sorry Sir, My name is David Webster I just got back from the hospital," he said with a bit of confusion.

"Well good for you" Jack replied in a monotone voice and Flo bet a fake smile. 

Then Webster made one of the worst comments of his life "Where's the rest of the guys?", before anyone could reply Flo shot up and gathered her stuff while saying "Come on Webster I'll take you round to 2nd they could use another man and I need to get back anyways" she said jumping off the truck to the lads quiet 'byes' and 'see you later Fizz'.

As they walked around Webster said something that slightly melted her heart "I'm sorry I was away Fizz, do you think everyone hates me?"

"No one hates you Web, they just aren't a fan of you at the minute because you missed what we hope was the worst part of the war, I know my boys and they'll forgive you as soon as you next take part in action and don't try to shirk your duty and anyways I'll never dislike you" she gave a soft smile. 

"Thanks Fizz," he said still a bit nervously as they came into view of the 2nd platoon truck. Flo walked ahead and Lieb held out a hand to help her into the truck and once she was in she sat next to him while Webster still had to sing for his supper.

"Hey guys, some lieutenant told me to report to 2nd" no response but Flo wasn't surprised, these boys werent in the mood for joking around.

She couldn't handle to embarrassment that Webster was walking into so she closed her eyes and blocked out all the voices she could hear as they started moving.

She started counting in Spanish to keep it fresh in her mind 'uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco...' until she brought out of her thoughts by Malark touching her shoulder and the shouts for them to get off the trucks.

Flo sighed and stood up to search for gene, finally spotting the red Cross on the side of his helmet, she jogged over and grabbed the box from his hands, silently asking where the aid station was.

Gene just sighed as he looked at the very sick girl in front of him, her eyes and nose were red, her breathing sounded wheezy, she could barely summon the strength to stand up straight, she was sweating even though it was freezing. She was going to collapse if they didn't do something soon.

But Gene just sighed and motioned his head "Its by Battalion HQ Flo, there's some boxes that need doing in there as well, try and see if they'll let you use one of the beds in the back when you go in"

Flo only nodded and gave a small half a smile at him before marching off at a slow pace. Haguenau seemed a dismal place, but at least it had buildings Flo thought as she walked through the square and kept walking even though she heard the mortar going off, next to her she saw Webster and a replacement dive down and cower for their lives. She fought the urge to roll her eyes as she found the aid station and started setting up an examination table and the equipment ready for an emergency.

Gene walked in and looked around, he sighed as he noticed the conditions weren't much better than Bastogne. Flo noticed and pulled him into a comforting hug, "At least it has walls" she spoke softly to him in her soft English accent that all the boys had grown to love.

His lips pulled up into a smile "Your right étoile as usual" he said and gave her a kiss on the forehead as he started doing inventory.

"Flo go to HQ and grab those boxes for me please, then after that you can rest, remember to ask about those clean beds in the back of the HQ building, I'm sure Speirs and Winters won't mind" Gene said over his shoulder to the young girl who gave a heavy sigh before nodding and walking back out into the war zone.

Their Fizz- Band of brothersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora