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"This is ridiculous," Flo said about an hour after the men had left, "I'm going back," Flo said and got up.

Perco looked at her and shrugged "Your choice Flo, you know where you're going?"

"Yep, take care boys," she said and started to walk off but she saw Webb's face, it was a mixture of admiration and fear so she smiled at him "Don't worry mate, I won't get in trouble, foxhole norman won't even be there when I arrive".

He wasn't, Flo was right, luckily the men had left a trail of footprints in the snow for her to follow and she got through the Ardennes with no trouble.

When she arrived she smiled at a few of the men who were giving her cheeky smiles and shaking their heads at her disobedience, Flo wondered about trying to find the medic foxhole to get into for cover, but they were so well fortified that it took her a while to actually find and get into it. 

When she did Gene immediately wrapped his arms around her "I was worried we wouldn't be seeing you again" he murmured as if scared that if he said it, it would become true.

Flo gave a small laugh "Glad to know you have so much faith in me", she then snuggled down into his shoulder and whispered a quick "hello" to Spina who had barely woken up when she arrived. 

"Right I had better get out and make the rounds," Flo said as she crawled through the little hole, although she was shattered and technically it was Gene's turn, Flo didn't have the heart to disturb his little nook of peace. She knew he had been having a hard time mentally and any peace or joy she could bring him, she would. 


Running around all the foxholes asking if they need help or have anything for her to look at helped take Flo's mind off the fact that they were in probably the easiest place to be shelled in the Ardennes, she didn't like to show her fear but being able to see the Germans from their place on the hill really put a dampener on her mood. 

"Hey Bill you need any help?" she asked trudging up to where Bill was making a pile of trees to cover his foxhole.

"Hey Fizz, I think I'm okay, Lips helping me fortify my hole," he said and raised his eyebrows in a cheeky manner. Flo rolled her and eyes and smiled "What would I do without you wild Bill, keeping me in stitches," she said as she walked off to where Lieb and Babe were arguing over needing more branches.

"I think its fine" Lieb was saying running a hand over his face.

"And i think we need more" Babe was saying looking around for more

"You can get them then, I'm staying in here," Lieb said sitting down in a huff.

Flo chuckled to herself before passing them saying "Boys play nice, now Babe do you need any help?"

"No, I'm good thanks, Fizz. If anyone needs help it's that lazy ass over there" Babe said huffing.

Flo just shook her head and continued making small talk around the boys, always looking over her shoulder at the town of Foy, she was chatting to Buck when he suddenly looked over her head and yelled "Incoming!" while dragging Flo to the nearest foxhole.

Once Buck had got them both in the foxhole, he covered Flo with his body, Flo yelled at him to protect himself and curl up in a ball, but he shouted in her ear "You're too precious to all of us, to let you get hurt". Flo shook her head with her hands over her ears, thinking how much she loved all of them when the shelling stopped. 

Buck peeked his head over the edge of the foxhole and yelled at everyone to stay hidden. 

But then they heard a weak cry "Help", Flo immediately launched herself over the top and ran like a gazelle as Buck tried to grab her, on her way to find the call she spotted Lip, Malarky, and Luz getting Babe and Lieb out of their foxhole in which they were trapped. 

She stopped for a second shouting "Lieb, Babe any wounds?"

They both shouted back "No", so Flo continued on to find the voice she had originally heard. 

Her eyes looked around the snow-covered forest and saw movement in the distance, she started running and saw it was Bill pulling Joe through the snow to a foxhole, that's when she saw Joe only had one leg. 

Florence could have started crying there and then, but she had a job to do so she started running towards them.

That was when the second "Incoming!" was called and she saw the snow rise up in front of her. 


Flo immediately opened her eyes and looked around, she noticed the shelling was still going on and she saw a hand outstretched in front of her. 

She grabbed it and was pulled to safety by Garcia and Chuck who immediately covered her with their bodies just like Buck. This shelling was worse, it went on for what felt like hours, and when she heard Bucks call for the medic she thought her heart would stop, she tried to get out but the boys pulled her back in. 

"You are waiting till the shelling is finished, before you go and save everyone" Chuck shouted.

Flo couldn't wait though, how could she when her friend's lives were in her hands, she would never forgive herself for not answering the call. 

When the shelling eventually stopped and she climbed out and ran to where she had last seen Bill and Joe, she fell to her knees. 

They were both lying in the snow, Joe with one leg missing and Bill was also lying there with one leg missing. She paused for a moment before Buck let out a raw scream for a medic. Flo then jumped into action, and Gene arrived a moment later thank goodness. 

Gene thankfully took control and said to her "Flo you work on Bill, I'll sort out Joe", she nodded and moved over to Bill.

"Well Fizz, looks like your gonna have to get used to not having me here to make you laugh," he said while still smiling through his pain.

Flo took a shuddering breath as she replied while tying the bandage around his leg after she had put the sulpha on and given him morphine "Oh I don't know Bill you'll be there with me in spirit" she smiled up at him as he chuckled. 

Gene then spoke as the stretchers started arriving "Bill you're going first"

"Whatever you say doc, well Lip they finally got old Guarnere," Bill said as he spotted Lip come towards them with a look of disbelief.

Flo was in disbelief herself at the knowledge that two of the biggest personalities and two of her closest friends wouldn't be with them anymore. They were amazing soldiers as well, they would be missed in battle. 

"Told you I'd beat you back to the states eh Joe," Bill said as his stretcher went past Joe. 

Flo couldn't see how there was anything to laugh at. 

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