Stuck in a ditch

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When they were all safely in the hedge grow, perco started again saying to Luz "See what I mean", to that luz just rolled his eyes as he was being called to go to Winters side with the radio.

They all go into foxholes, while the Flo and Gene walk up and down the line checking on the men to make sure they're fine.

She's just about to start finding a foxhole of her own when the hears "MEDIC" being shouted, it sounds like Smith. Flo sprinted towards the foxhole and found Gene working on Tab who had been stabbed with a bayonet.

"What the fuck happened?" Flo asked as she helped Gene stifle the blood.

"Tab woke Smith up dressed in a german poncho, Smith thought it was a kraut and stabbed him"

"Damn it" Flo replied

"Floss, go get some rest, the injury isn't deep and Tab will be fine in the morning, go rest" Gene firmly told her

"I'll give you a hand Gene it's fin" but he cut her off

"Florence, go find a foxhole and sleep, you haven't slept for more than 4 hours for 3 weeks"

"Okay," she whispered,

Suddenly Speirs appeared beside her, "Everything alright? Is he gonna live doc?"

"Yeah sir, he's gonna be fine. Should just have a scratch to impress the chicks back home"

This made Flo roll her eyes and stand up. "You sure you're good Gene"

"Yes Flossy will you please go get some rest"

"Come on Hilton, I'll walk you to a foxhole," Speirs said

The 2 then walked away.

"Can't I share your foxhole sir?" she asked smiling slightly

He gave her a coy smile back "If only Florrie, how are you?"

"Fed up of death and exhausted, yourself?" she asked smiling

"Ahh much the same, but it's par for the course in our line of work, did you hear one private was so scared of me after hearing the stories he wet himself when I walked over to talk to them" he started silent laughing

She joined him and whispered, "Aww bless him, if only he knew the real you was such a sweetheart" she nudged him.

"That sides for your eyes only Florrie, I've got my reputation to uphold" he smiled and looked around and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Now let's find you somewhere to sleep".

Just then they heard rustling from next to them, Speirs quickly pulled Flo behind him and pointed his gun and whispered "Flash"

"Thunder, thunder" came the response, it was Blithe.

"Lieutenant Speirs, sir."

"Where are you going, Private?"

"Check out the noise, sir."

"I just came from there. Everything's under control."

"Yes, sir."

"Got some nervous privates in your company," Speirs said as he then walked up to Joe and Bill's foxhole.

"Fizz alright to come into your foxhole she doesn't have one"

"Course sir, come on Fizz" Joe whispered

"Thanks, sir, for getting me back safely" she smiled and saluted

He saluted back and then walked to the next foxhole while talking to Blithe, the boys put their arms around Flo to make sure she was warm enough. While they listened to Speirs and Blithe's conversation.

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