Red Smoke

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At 6 am they got the call through the radio that Gene and Flo were needed. 

They stumbled out the CP still dreary and made their way to the trench where Winters was issuing orders down the line. 

Flo slapped herself to wake herself up and gazed up and down the line. Gene put a comforting hand on her arm and said "Stop worrying about the boys, they will be fine, we'll do everything we can". Flo nodded but still looked dubious, she heard Winters say "Fix bayonets". She could see Lieb still dazed from his injury and fixing his bayonet. It was funny she was thinking of when Sobel had busted him for having a rusty bayonet that wasn't rusty and now Sobel hadn't stood the test of character to continue fighting in the army and Winters was one of the best CO's in the whole army. 'How the tables have turned' she thought. 

Winters then passed them and said "Doc, Fizz I need you two to follow the charge when the red smoke goes off" 

"Yes sir" they replied

There was a tense few minutes while Winters made his way back down the line to Luz and Lip. Then he threw the smoke grenade over the wall and started running, Joe went to follow him but Bill said to "Wait for the signal". 

The smoke still wasn't blowing red, Flo was looking at the boys incredulously, they couldn't even see Winters anymore!

She moved closer to Lip and Bill, "Lads come on we've got to follow him"

"He said to wait for the signal Floss" Lip answered

"I don't think he intended for the smoke grenade to misfire!" She replied

"We wait for the signal" Bill whispered again

She crouch walked back to Gene, "This is ridiculous, Winters is gonna get killed"

But then the red smoke finally appeared and they all ran to catch up to Winters. Flo could hear shots in the distance and when they came through the smoke, they saw Winters shooting at what looked like a whole company of jerrys. 

Flo and Gene fell to their stomachs and watched as Winters shouted "Come on, pour it on!

Shoot your targets!"

They watched as the machine guns mowed down the Germans and her boys aimed perfectly. It was going well but then another German company came over the ridge and panic settled into the pit of her stomach. 

She heard Luz's voice calling down the radio "Easy Beaver to Easy Minor! Reinforce Easy at phase one yellow!" and then she heard artillery start raining down on the Germans. Dirt was covering her and her boys. But as it lessoned she went on all 4's and moved forwards asking the boys she passed on her way whether they were okay. She was still out in the open as she noticed the Germans retreating, she observed her surroundings and noticed Luz and Winters sliding into a trench. She took a chance and ran to the trench when suddenly a German airstrike started to retaliate on them. She dived onto her stomach as Winters shouted "Easy Company, take cover!".

Luz then noticed Flo out in the middle of the field with artillery dropping around her, his and Winter's faces betrayed the fear they felt. "Fizz come on, grab my hand" Winters yelled as he leaned over the bank to drag her to relative safety. She reached out and managed to touch his fingertips as he leaned further and pulled her between Luz and himself. 

Flo then heard a voice yell "Boyle's hit!", she peaked over the trench and looked out into the road. Sure enough, Boyle was lying on the ground clutching his stomach, he was wriggling and shouting in pain. "Damn it" she muttered to herself. Before anyone could stop her, she hurled herself over the bank and ran to Boyle, she tried pulling back by his shoulders but she couldn't move him much. "Help me!" she called and Luz came tumbling ver the side and they quickly pulled him back to Winters. "You good here Florence?" Winters asked, she nodded her head and set to work. Boyle didn't look too bad, a little shell shocked but it was mostly shrapnel and didn't look like there were any serious wounds. 

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