Take the Gun

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When morning came round, they could hear the fight going on at Utah beach, as they were still far from the check point they decided to see if they could help from behind. Shifty was their best sniper after all. They started army crawling towards what looked like a German long range gun, they got close enough that Flo could hear their conversation......Nothing important was being said, mostly just reload, her boys looked at her as she shakes her head and held up her hand to say there were 6 Germans manning the gun.

Shifty whispered a plan to them,

"I'll take 2, Skin you take 2 and Tab and Fizz take one, I trust all of your aim"

Was all he said before he handed Flo the extra gun he had picked up for her when they had the other fight. Flo looked through her sights and picked out the man furthest to the left.

"Shoot when they set off the next blast"

The 3 nodded as they prepared.

Within seconds it was all over. All 4 of them had aimed perfectly. They ran up to the gun, Shifty keeping lookout while they checked if the enemy had any useful information. Nothing. Tab did find 3 lugers though, he said he can use them to barter.

As they wondered what to do next, back at the checkpoint the men of easy company and certain Lt were starting to become worried.

As Speirs had passed Winters that morning he had hurriedly whispered "Dick, please tell me there is news of Florrie?", sadly Winters shook his head. Speirs nodded sadly and slowly moved away from the CP, his mask came back on as he moved through the men.

Her lack of presence also made the Easy company members snappy and concerned,

"I'm telling you, she's not dead, I can feel it" Luz was telling them

"Oh yeah, where is she then?" Bill snapped

"He has no clue, none of us have a fucking clue" piped in Joe

Gene was just looking at the entrance waiting for her to arrive with her bright smile.

Winters walked up to Gene, "A watched gate, Fizz never walks through" he said.

Gene looked at him "I'm sorry sir, I just, I can't focus, not knowing where she is"

"I know doc, I think most of us are feeling the same" Winters looked up and prayed that their Fizz was alive.

Meanwhile, at the gun, the 4 strays were hiding as a German platoon walked past.

Flo was holding Tabs hand tightly as she held her breath. Now it was light, the 3 boys could see the bruises on her neck from the German, it made them feel sick that she was that close to death.

Soon enough the platoon past and using the trees as cover, the 4 moved slowly towards the CP.

As they were about 2 miles out of arriving at the checkpoint, Shifty suddenly pushed Flo to the ground and started shooting, as did Tab and Skinny. Turns out they had come across some Germans on a patrol, that's when Flo heard some voices calling out for a medic, the boys were still taking cover and firing at the Germans that had cornered them, but Flo could only hear the voices screaming. However, the voices were in between the Germans and them, Flo needed to help she couldn't leave them there to die. 

She slowly started to army crawl towards them, Tab was screaming her name and telling her to come back, as was Shifty and Skinny but she kept her focus on the voices. Soon the Germans spotted her and started firing at her, one-shot grazed the side of her cheek which was now covered in blood, but she kept going.

She reached the side of the first man who looked up at her and said "are you an angel".

She laughed and said "Sorry mate you aren't that far along in your life to start seeing those, I'm a medic, where have you been hit?" as she scanned him and noticed a large wound on his leg.

"Okay I've spotted it, I'm going to pour sulpha on it and tourniquet it, then move on to the next man, what's your name?" she asked as she completed her work.

"Scott Irvine, thank you" he said as she started to crawl away

"I'm a medic, where you been hit?" she asked the next man

"In my side, it's too late doc, I've lost too much blood" he said, she could tell he was panicking.

"No it's not too late, you're doing grand, let me pour some sulpha on and bandage this and give you morphine, then we will be rockin' and rollin', what's your name mate?" she asked going through the motions.

"Arthur Cooper" he managed to cough out, as she was examining his blood loss

"Well Arthur, looks like I arrived just in time, your blood loss isn't lethal. You should live" she said as she moved on.

By the time she had treated the 5th man, Tab, Skinny and Shifty(with his aim) had managed to shoot all the Germans on patrol and they had run over to her and watched as she bandaged the last man's stomach and look up and smile.

"We're close to the checkpoint now, can one of you run over there and tell them we need stretchers or something to get these lads to the aid station"

Skinny then started running, when he reached the checkpoint, he didn't see anyone is Easy or anyone he knew but he saw the red cross on the medic truck and told them of the situation. 5 stretchers followed him to Flo and Shifty. They helped carry the stretchers to the van, then continued their way up to the CP.

Before she walked away Arthur grabbed her hand and said "thank you". 

"I promised to help all of you, don't thank me" she smiled

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