Chapter 15: "Just nonsense."

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14 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

"Scale of one to ten... How sore?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Humor me."

"Not happening." I roll my eyes as I hold the phone up to my ear, trying to block out the sounds coming from the front of the bus.

"At least tell me you made proper use of being alone on a private island with such a hot piece of British arse."


"I'll be gutted if you didn't." She sighs.


"Do I have reason to be gutted?"


"I know my name love... Just answer the question."


"No you won't answer?..."

"No as in no you've absolutely no reason whatsoever to be the slightest bit gutted."

"Knew it." She chuckles satisfactorily. "Fairly good hmmm?"

"Good doesn't describe it. He's.... Ugh. He's just... Really really like... ugh. I can't even...."

"Calm yourself love. Don't need to get your knickers wet so early in the day.... Or perhaps you do. Nothing like a quick bonk in the back of the bus. Stray away from that brown chair though...."

"You're gross."

"Just a tip. When are you coming to see me? I miss your face."

"We just flew out of Europe two days ago Poppy. I won't be heading back to London anytime soon. I am planning on going to LA though."

"Intriguing offer. When?"

"Ummmm in a couple weeks."

"Surprised the hubs is letting you get away from him."

"He doesn't know yet. Just got off the phone with Margaret. I need to go take care of a few loose ends."

"Well prepare yourself. Knowing his obsessive little arse, he won't be to keen on it. Probably get the airline to cancel your flight or tie you to the bed. You know... Typical Harry concerning Ava nonsense."

"Very funny." I laugh. "So if I send you a ticket..."

"Then I'll be flying to the states to meet you."

"Great! Can't wait to see you..."

"See who?" Harry appears in the doorway, a peeled banana in his hand and a confused expression on his face.

I shoot Harry a smile, quickly wrapping up my phone call with Poppy.

"Poppy." I answer him as he drops himself down on the couch next to me, resting my feet on his lap.

"She coming to visit?"

"No." I shake my head, "I think she's going to meet me in LA."

"LA?" Harry wrinkles his forehead as he takes another bite.

"Margaret called me this morning..."

"Don't like it." He shakes his head. "Don't like us being apart."

"Nothing's going to happen Harry." I say softly, knowing exactly why he's concerned.

"Till it does."

"I won't be alone. Poppy is going to be there."

"But I won't be." He tosses the banana peel into the trash can across the room as I sigh.

Pretend (Harry Styles) - Book 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ