Chapter 9: "I do."

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13 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

The warm air blows softly through my hair as I'm led through the backyard towards the small private garden. The weather couldn't be more perfect.

Warm, but not to hot. A slight breeze. The distant sounds of birds singing. The gorgeous view of the Tuscany countryside.

All of it providing the perfect backdrop to one of the most important days of my life.

I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as Poppy, Louie, Lou, and Lux come into view. Standing just outside the entrance to the garden.

Louie gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, telling me I not only look stunning but that he also has a car waiting out back if I change my mind. Poppy scolds him for teasing me, grabbing his arm and pulling him into his place next to her.

Soft music starts playing and they're gone, walking down the aisle side by side.

Lou sends Lux out a moment after them, her small hands reaching inside the basket she's carrying and tossing flower petals all around her. She's stolen the show. Giggling as some petals get stuck in her blonde locks.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." I nod, "Thanks for doing this Finn. It means so much."

"Would of been offended had you asked anyone else." He gives me a warm smile, holding out his arm to me, "Shall we?"

I nod once again, taking a deep breath as I hear the music change. Signaling it's time for Finn to escort me down the aisle. Time for him to give me away.

Funny how nervous I was. All the way through the house and across the back lawn my hands were shaking. My breath unsteady.

It felt the same as when I would make my way across that small stage in London. I was certain I would faint as I set down at my piano, preparing to play one of my songs. Hoping somehow that the right person would hear them.

And he did.

My heart feels like it will nearly beat out of my chest as we step out. My eyes taking in all the people I love the most standing on either side of the aisle.

Thankfully Finn remembers to walk, cause I've all but forgotten how to function until my eyes meet his.

Just as when my fingers would touch the keys of my piano, I was suddenly calm. All nervousness, anxiety, shaking hands gone. Playing.. my fingers gliding across the keys.. was something I was sure of. It was home for me. And Harry is exactly the same.

He is my perfect song. One written just for me.

The smile on his face... I've never seen it so big. Never seen his eyes light up quite like they are now.

I know I look precisely the same.

Our eyes only leave each other's when Finn presses a kiss to my cheek. Taking my hand and placing it in Harry's. The second his warm palm grasps mine, I couldn't be more certain. That's exactly where it belongs.

I glance at Poppy before stepping in front of Harry. She's dabbing her eyes. Poppy is actually crying.

My other hand is taken, both now being held in Harry's was I look up at him.

"So pretty." He whispers. "So so pretty."

I blush.

I don't remember most of what was said. I quickly get lost in Harry's eyes, his never leaving mine.

What I do remember, what I'll always remember, is the promises we made to each other on the small hillside in Italy.

I speak first, praying I won't forget the words I've rehearsed in my mind over and over again.

"Before I met you I was afraid. Afraid of giving away my heart. Afraid of letting myself be loved... But something changed the moment you entered my life.... Me. I'm no longer afraid. You have my heart and I never want it back. You love me more then I ever imagined anyone could. You are my safe place, there's no room for any fear or doubt... I promise to love you through every fight... To laugh at every bad joke... To spend my whole life making sure you always have a dimpled smile on your face. There's still a part of me that can't believe I'm the one who gets to marry you. My best friend. My one true love."

My few tears of happiness are gathered up by Harry's thumb, his eyes watering as he looks over my face. A smile, ever present on his own.

A small puff of air leaves he lips before he begins, "I thought... I always knew. What it was to be happy... to be sad.. afraid... to love. I thought I knew what they all meant. How they felt. But I didn't... Not nearly... Happiness is what I feel when I see you smile. Sadness is what I feel when I see you cry. Fear is what I feel at the thought of losing you. And love... Love is what I feel every second you cross my mind... I promise to spend my whole life trying to make you feel, just for a moment.. how much you really mean to me. I promise to utterly adore you. Completely cherish you. And when we're in a tug of war.. I promise to release my end of the rope, knowing there's a cost to my winning if it means that you lose. And finally... I promise my heart. You've had it since you told me it was a good season for bananas... Claimed it as yours right then and there. Not a chance I'll ever be wanting it back. My life is now our life.. There's nothing I've ever wanted more."

To describe how I feel in that moment, after hearing those words, is impossible. The words happy.. lucky... blessed.. They don't hold a candle to the emotions completely overtaking me body and soul as I look into Harry's eyes.

I'm so so very much in love with him.

"Do you Ava McCain take Harry Edward Styles as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I smile, my voice never sounding more certain.

"And do you, Harry Edward Styles take Ava McCain as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Harry grins down at me, before glancing towards the minister, "Can I kiss her yet?"

The minister shakes his head as he chuckles, along with most everyone else.

Rings are exchanged, sliding onto our fingers with ease. Looking like they were always meant to rest around them.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife... Now Harry, you may kiss your bride."

My eyes barely leave the minister before my face is softly gripped by one hand, my waist by another. My body tugged forwards and my lips gently pressed against Harry's.

We both laugh halfway through the kiss as Harry slightly dips me.

"Love you so much Av." He smiles at me as everyone claps.

"Love you right back." I peck his lips again before we turn to our family and friends. Harry's hand clutching mine, our fingers entwining.

My cheeks almost hurt from smiling so much. Something I need to get used to. It won't be changing anytime soon.

Were introduced for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles.

It's official.

It's really happened.

I'm Harry's wife.

Gotta vote for the wedding right?!

Pretend (Harry Styles) - Book 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum