Chapter 14: 100%

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13 Weeks Along

-Harry's POV-

"You're moving again."


"Ignore it, I'm almost done."

"Can't ignore it... Have sand in places sand never should be." I whine, slightly adjusting my body.

Ava laughs, the sound filling the air around us. The soft breeze blows her hair across her face as her eyes squeeze shut.

We've been here on this island alone for three days now. Best three days of my life.

Not counting all the phone calls from Kevin of course.

Remedied that by chucking the bloody thing into the ocean. Should of done that the second we got here. Knew he wouldn't leave me be.

He had no idea where I was... Or what I'd done. And that's exactly how it needs to stay.

"There! All done!" Av smiles down at me.

"What'd you make me?"

She laughs, grabbing up our camera off the towel and snapping a picture.

She drops to her knees next to me, turning the camera over so I can see the small screen.

I squint, trying to block out the sun, "My a merman?"

"Noooo." She shakes her head, her hair tumbling over her narrow shoulders. "You have boobs. Mermaid."

"Funny looking mermaid."

"It looks exactly like your tattoo." She raises her eyebrows at me, "So yes, I'd have to agree."

"Funny one you are... Quit picking." I pout, looking back over the picture. "What's that?"

"What's what?"

"Writing.. down by my arm.. What's it say?"

"Hmmm." Ava purses her lips, trying not to laugh, "Not sure."

My hand comes up from under the sand, Av scolding me for moving without her permission.

I grasp the camera, holding it above me and zooming in on the small words she'd written in the sand.

I narrow my eyes as I read over it... 'I love The Wanted!'

She busts up laughing as a sour expression comes over my face.

"That's it... Now you've done it!" I sit up, pulling myself out of the sand.

Ava jumps up, taking off down the beach. Knowing she'll pay for that little joke.

I chase after her, surprised when it's takes a bit to catch up to her. Apparently her early morning runs are paying off in more then just the bedroom.

Leg strength...

My mind fogs over just thinking about the new positions we've become familiar with cause of such a simple thing. Such a wonderfully simple thing.

I shake my head, clearing my mind as I catch up to her. Laughing when I hear the giggles escaping her lips.

My hands grip her waist, pulling her back against my chest and lifting her up. Her feet kick in the air as she fights against me. Putting barely any effort into it. Proving she planned on me catching her the second she took off.

I maneuver her body to where it's resting over my shoulder, running towards the water as she yells at me. Smacking my bum, demanding I let her down.

I throw her forward the second we're in deep enough. Her small frame being enveloped by the crystal clear water before her head pops up.

She scolds me lightheartedly, laughing as I pull her towards me.

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