Chapter 65: The Real Plan

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36 Weeks Along

-Harry's POV-

My eyes search the large room, scanning every face they catch site of that's framed by brunette hair.

But with every sweep of the room, I fail to find who I'm looking for. And with every minute that passes by I grow more and more anxious. My fingers endlessly drumming on the white linen table cloth as I purse my lips.

She should be here by now.

That is, if she's even coming.

"If you're trying not to look desperate, afraid you're failing miserably."

I glance towards my left, finding a very amused smirk plastered across Ed's face.

"Don't think she's here." I shake my head, once again looking out over the sea of people.

"She's coming. Told me so herself. Now have a drink or something, you're about to drive me mad."

I sigh, taking the short glass of dark liquid offered to me and drinking it down in one large gulp, immediately coughing.

"Cheap shit, but does a lovely job of taking the edge off don't you think?" Ed grins at the disgusted look now on my face.

"Absolutely wretched." I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Harry Styles, I wondered if I'd see you here."

I look up, inwardly groaning as I slap a curt smile on my face. "....Kendal."

"It's been awhile." She smiles, her eyes looking me up and down. "You here alone?"

I narrow my eyes a bit, hearing Eddie chuckle behind me. "Married man. Means I'm never alone I think."

"I guess it depends on your opinion."

"Never quite saw eye to eye did we?" I sit back in my seat, folding my arms.

"Always so serious." She laughs, the sound making me slightly cringe. "You need to let loose once in a while. Would be good for you. We're having a little party back at the hotel after this. You should come."

"Thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass. Lovely seeing you." I dismiss her politely as possible, wanting to get back to the task at hand.

"Well if you change your mind, you know my number." She winks at me before turning and walking away. Trying to shake her non existent arse as she goes.

"You really know how to pick them eh?" Ed laughs before taking a sip from his drink.

"Do now. Not so much then."

"Quite like the one now. Looks lovely in white doesn't she?" Ed nods, looking behind me.

I turn in my chair, my eyes finally spotting the one person that makes my heart skip a beat.

I know my mouth is hanging open a bit as I look her over. But it can't be helped. She's still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Her hair is swept up, her long white dress hugging the tight curve of her bum and flowing gracefully over her swollen belly. She's literally glowing as she smiles at the small group of people she's talking to.

"Isn't that.."

"Appears to be." My lips form a tight line as I sit up.

"Exes popping up all over the place, aren't they?"

"They didn't date." I stand up, pushing my chair in.

"Then why're you going over there? Wasn't the plan to let her come to you?" Ed speaks up as I chew on the inside of my cheek, still looking across the room.

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