Chapter 11: "Only us."

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13 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

I stare at the empty seat across from me as the captain's voice comes through the small speakers throughout the plane.

'We'll be arriving at our destination in roughly twenty minutes. Please find your seats and take note of the fasten safety belt sign when we begin our decent.'

I grab my bag laying on the floor next to me, stuffing my headphones and iPad into it mindlessly.

"Do I get a clue yet?"

I look up to find Harry taking a seat across from me.

"Not yet." I shake my head, forcing a smile on my face.

"Sleep well?"

"Yeah. I bet you're tired."

"Am alright." He shrugs, "Sorry I've been on the phone so much."

I nod, looking out the window at the Indian Ocean thousands of feet below us.

Eight hours... That's how long we've been on the plane, flying to our honeymoon. I rented a particular plane, one that had a comfortable bedroom in the back of it. We were flying overnight and I didn't want to be completely jet lagged when we arrived.

And it worked. At least for me.

The bags under Harry's eyes are proof he never saw the inside of the bedroom. He got on the phone about twenty minutes into our flight, and he'd been on it practically ever since. I think he'd gotten one or two very small naps in and that was it.

He was fighting with someone. I heard his voice raise numerous times, always immediately falling back to a hushed whisper. He would appear every once in awhile, running his hand through his hair anxiously. Chewing on his bottom lip.

He was worried. Stressed.

I'd asked him what's wrong but he brushed me off. Assuring me everything was fine when I knew very well it wasn't.

Then his phone would ring again. He would ignore it. But it didn't stop ringing. So once again he'd answer it, disappearing into another part of the small plane so he could talk in private. Leaving me alone.

"I'm sorry Av."

"It's fine." I force another smile as my eyes meet his.

"Can't fool me with that." He points at my face, "Know you to well. I shouldn't... I hadn't meant to be on phone so much. Bloody perfect way to start our honeymoon yeah?"

"Who were you talking to?"

"Isn't important."

I sigh, "Well that's reassuring, knowing you spent the first eight hours of our honeymoon on the phone with someone who wasn't important."

"I didn't.. That's not what I meant love." He frowns, "Was just dealing with a bit of shite from management. They don't fancy us all disappearing. And when I told them I'd be off the radar for another week... Well they weren't to keen on that."

"Surely they understand. Even Harry Styles deserves a decent honeymoon right?"

"Right.." He clears his throat, coughing a little, "You know how they are. Bunch of wankers. Just didn't want you worrying about it is all. Can we please forget it? Won't have this mucking up our honeymoon... Only getting one of these after all."

He smiles at me, his dimples popping as he looks me over. Damn those dimples. They make it impossible for me to stay annoyed at him. Well, those and all his other perfectly sculpted body parts.

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