Chapter 11 ~ Truth Revealed

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3rd Pers. POV


Eyes wide and jaws slacked, they stared at the parcel... or rather what was in it.

Bound tightly by leather straps and placed carefully inside large packets was a row of objects. Every one of them radiating power.

A lightning bolt, a trident, a helm, 2 shields, a pair of hunting knives, a lyre, a mirror and a caduceus.

There were about a dozen things running through the gods heads in that moment. From how, to when, to why to absolute shock at the turn of events.

Hermes was the first to snap out of it... sort of.

"Y-you? You... wha-when? Why? What?!" he spluttered.

Percy's lips tugged up into a small smirk as he observed their reactions. Looks he really had managed to fool them, to lead them exactly where he wanted them to go. He leaned against the counter behind him, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets casually.

"Well, I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised this whole thing worked. I had my doubts, but you guys did good."

Zeus looked at him, storms brewing in his eyes.

"YOU WERE THE THIEF?! How could y—"

"I did not steal them." Percy cut in calmly, quite the contrast to his Uncle's murderous gaze.

The god of lightning scoffed.

"We have proof! Right in front of us and still you decline the truth?"

Percy put up a hand in a placating gesture.

"I said I did not steal them. Stealing incites the idea of keeping whatever it is you took. I had no intention of keeping these objects. I merely borrowed them for an extended time period. Once you accomplished what I needed you to, I was going to hide them somewhere for you to find. I didn't plan on you actually coming to camp, but, hey, it really only sped up the process. By the way, you can take your symbols now, they won't bite." he finished in amusement as he watched the still shell-shocked, stalk-still gods.

That seemed to snap them out of their trance as they quickly snatched up their precious tools. With their symbols in hand, the Olympians could feel their connection to their domains and powers growing stronger, eliminating the feeling of human weakness.

Poseidon glanced at his son.

"How? How did you get them? Without any of us no noticing no less!"

"Yeah, about that..." said Percy, "I didn't work alone." he finished slowly, cautious of their reactions.

Artemis glared at him. "Who else would be stupid enough to take all our symbols of power?"

Percy grimaced slightly, though there was amusement in his eyes.

"Stupid?" he chuckled. "You'll be eating your words when you find out who helped."

The goddess only glared harder.

"Son, please," pleaded Poseidon, "just tell us what's going on."

The demigod raised his hands in surrender.

"I had been wanting to do something to initiate change ever since I met you, when I was 12. As the years went by, I witnessed more and more arguments between all of you and I kept getting involved." Here he rolled his eyes. "I'd had enough and so did the other demigods. In 5 years, we went through dozens of quests, 2 wars and, for some, a trip to Tartarus." He looked at each and every one of them in the eye. "I needed to find a way to get you to understand what it was like to be us. You needed to understand that those 'glory-filled quests' you keep giving us, are not really all they're cracked up to be. I wanted you to understand the resentment, the anger, the lack of sleep and food and shelter. I wanted you to feel what it was like to lose hope, but still know you had to keep going for the better of everyone; not just yourself."

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