Chapter 13 ~ Time to Party!!

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"In that case," Zeus nodded and summoned an old scroll with ancient greek writing, "I hereby abolish the Ancient Laws preventing us from interacting with our children. [...]"

With that, he picked up his Lightning Bolt and struck the floating scroll, rendering it nothing more than a pile of ashes that would soon be forgotten.

Cheers were sounded throughout the throne room.

Yes, this was a good day. A good day indeed.

Anahita's POV

It was peaceful at camp (for once). Right now, I'm sitting with my brother by the beach shore. It was nice getting a chance to relax after everything we've been through. I have to admit, though, I wasn't sure if my brother's plan would work, least of all getting involved in it. He'd been brief and vague in his explanations. He'd pretty much just told me that he'd found a way to change the gods' actions for good. He said if all went according to plan, we wouldn't have to worry about wars and deadly quests. I had to admit I was pleased to hear that, but my brother's plans don't usually work, or work out as he wanted. That's why I was doubtful, but in the end, Percy managed to keep up appearances and think up changes on the spot. I'm really proud to have Percy as my brother.

"What's got you smiling?" he asked.

I looked at him then placed my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and kissed my head.

"I'm just happy. Things are really looking up. To be honest, I don't think I could imagine being happier right now. I feel so... at peace. Like I can finally take a deep breath and relax. You?"

He sent me a smile before we both turned back, staring at the horizon.

"Yeah," he sighed softly, "I'm really hoping that we can be one great big family now. I mean, we learned so much about each other over the last few years, but we haven't gotten the chance to sit and talk. Not plan a strategy or our next move, but just having a regular conversation. You're absolutely right: Things are looking up now."

We stayed there for the next couple hours, chatting away about anything and everything, sometimes just sitting in silence and enjoying each other's company. We got up when we heard the sound for dinner and made our way to the dining pavilion.

We were almost there when a very bright light shone throughout the camp, just a few metres away from us. I had to look away, for I knew what that light meant.

The gods were here.

What they wanted, I had no idea, but I hoped it wasn't bad news. I don't think any of us could handle that. The other inhabitants of Camp Half Blood came closer once the light died revealing 14 Olympians. It took a few seconds, but eventually the demigods bowed, though it was a rather small movement. It was clear to everyone that the gesture was done out of courtesy and tradition rather than respect. To my surprise (and others too), the gods did not seem bothered in the slightest. Now I really wanted to know what was going on. Thankfully, Chiron stepped forward to ask.

The gods shared a glance, but it was Dad who stepped forward.

"We come bearing news, old friend; and announcement I'm sure will please many."

Well if we weren't interested before, we most certainly were now.

Chiron nodded and stepped back letting the gods proceed.

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