Chapter 3 ~ To Atlantis!

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*Note: Dionysus, Demeter, Hera and Hephaestus are not a part of the quest, but will likely come in later. But here's why they aren't a part of the quest: Dionysus was at camp and still in punishment, Demeter was in her fields, Hera's symbol is a diadem she wore at all times and Hephaestus' symbol is a smith's hammer he was using when he was in his forge. P.S. Hestia's symbol is the hearth and you can't exactly steal that which is why she isn't part of the actual quest but she will play a very important role later on.

Recap: « Give me 24 hours so I can make a list of facts and then I can hopefully make an educated guess as to where we should start. » The gods flashed out.

Percy's POV

*Goes to the riverbank to think*

At the riverbank

A quest ... with the gods ... the olympians no less! He thought. Gods, how badly can this possibly go. He groaned putting his head in his hands. Suddenly an idea sparked in his mind. Ah hah! Looks like the Seaweed Brain can be smart after all, he thought to himself.

He returned home to relax and mentally prepare himself for what would surely be the most antagonizing days of his life.

The Next Day

3rd Pers. POV

Percy was lounging in the living room when a bright light suddenly blinded him to reveal Hermes.

« Hiya cuz! » he said.

« Hey Hermes. You guys ready? »

« Yep! We're going down near the beach. Father and Uncle P were arguing this morning so we figured an open space might be best. »

« Alright, I'm ready »

And the two left to meet up with the other gods.

At the beach

Percy arrived with Hermes at the beach only to be met by rather loud arguing.

« Ahhhh, the joys of family. » said Hermes

Upon seeing his son, Poseidon stopped, attracting the attention of those around him.

« Percy! I presume you've found a way for us to start our journey? » he asked

« Uh, yeah, about that... » he trailed off slightly.

« Let me guess, you have absolutely no idea, do you? » sneered Athena

« Leave him be Owl Head » responded Poseidon

Before another fight could break out, Percy stepped forward.

« I actually do know where to start, but I don't think you're all going to be very happy about it. » he said, glancing at his two uncles.

« And where would this place be exactly? » asked, or more like demanded, Zeus.

« Atlantis. More specifically the Archives and the armoury. I figured I could talk to my brother, Tyson, about finding a way to track dad's trident and possibly your lightning bolt as well. I know the kingdom has a grand library where the archives are found. Hopefully we could find some information there as well. » Percy explained.

In general, the gods didn't seem to be bothered about it (except Zeus and Hades of course, the former thinking this was an excuse for his brother to try and drown him.). Hermes seemed especially excited to go, to the amusement and confusion of his family.

« What's got you so giddy, Speedy? » asked Ares.

« I love going to Atlantis! That place is amazing! Whenever I get the chance to deliver letters there, I always take the long, scenic route so I get to see more of the palace. » he said while floating about a foot off the ground in excitement.

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