Chapter 4 ~ Atlantis

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3rd Pers. POV

Upon their arrival to Atlantis, the guard came to greet them. Bowing to Poseidon the leader said: « My Lord Poseidon, welcome back home. »

The rest of the guard bowed then as well.

« All rise », Poseidon said.

As the guard started to turn around, they noticed Percy and froze.

« My Lord Perseus, our apologies, we were not aware you were coming. » he said, bowing to him as well.

The gesture made Percy uncomfortable. He wasn't a fan of attention and certainly wasn't one for formalities.

« That's alright Colonel Seymour. I hadn't actually planned to be here. It was a last minute decision. » he said.

Poseidon couldn't hide his surprise, nor could the other gods, at the fact that Percy knew that the leader was a Colonel, not to mention his name.

« Very well. Right this way my Lords and Ladies. Lady Amphitrite and Lord Triton await you in the throne room. » They left.

« How did you know who he was Percy? » asked Poseidon. He noticed his son twitch nervously a bit.

« Oh, uh, well I sorta looked up all the guards after my last visit to Atlantis. I-I remember all the lives lost in the war, » at this he looked down, « ... and I figured maybe it'd be a good idea to know who was who. » Percy shrugged. « It seemed wrong that they would die in battle, but only be remembered as 'one of the guards'».

The gods weren't sure how to respond to that. They'd never thought of soldiers as anything but just that. Sure they burned a shroud and helped prepare funerals on occasion, but Percy took it to a whole new level by actually learning their names and statuses. It was Artemis who spoke first.

« That is... very admirable of you, Perseus. Not many leaders would think of their army that way.»

He smiled a bit and nodded his head to her. « Thank you »

Poseidon smiled proudly at his son. Now Percy, he thought, would make a great leader of their people.

The hallway to the throne room

« Wow Uncle P! This place is amazing! It's even better than Olympus! » said Apollo.

None of the gods (except Zeus and Hades) could hide their excitement at seeing the beauty of Atlantis.

« I love coming to Atlantis. Whenever I get a chance to deliver mail here, I always take my time so I can see more of this place. » sighed Hermes.

Poseidon hummed. « So that's why it takes so long for you to get here. »

« Uh... yeah.» Hermes answered while rubbing his neck nervously.

« It looks a lot better now. » said Percy as he looked on in wonder.

« What do you mean? »

« Well, the last time I was here was during the second titan war. » He looked down, sighing as he remembered all the casualties. « The place was in ruins. The kingdom was collapsing and the villages burned down or destroyed with greek fire. There was this map in the throne room that showed where the soldiers were, but it also showed the wounded. I could see hundreds of them lined up in the remains of the nearby village. But even through all of that, I could still see some remains of Atlantis' beauty. I could imagine just how magnificent this place would be had we not been in war. » He smiled at the memory of imagining the palace at its finest. « And you're absolutely right Apollo. », he looked at the sun god, « This place is even better than Olympus! »

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