Author's Note

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First off: This story is NOT done yet. I do have 1, maybe 2 more chapters left to do.
I wanted to write this for those reading this book, so here goes:

I had begun writing this in July and continued throughout December of 2020, back when I had time to write. But now I'm going to school (in person, as I hadn't been before) and am finding I've got less free time now.
I do know how the story is going to end, I just have to type it out.

Btw, have any of you experienced 'quadmesters' before? Or whatever they're called. I'm not quite sure what to think of them...but I am finding it rather stressful. Anyone else?

Anyways, the final chapter should hopefully (if my planning schedule is as accurate as I hope it is) be up by the end of the month (February 2021).

In the meantime, good luck to all of you in school/work/life/etc. 😄 Stay safe everyone and I hope you are all happy and healthy!

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