Chapter 1

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"Lainey Marie Howard I am not explaining it to you again.  You will marry the Chapman girl and I don't want to hear another peep about it.  Bill and I have already discussed all of the options and this is the one we see as the most solid."

"So you're really ok with marrying off your first born for the company's benefit, even if it costs me my happiness?"

"Oh don't be so dramatic, Lainey.  There is nothing wrong with Peyton.  You two grew up together so it's not like I'm marrying you off to some stranger, and this is not just for  the benefit of my company.  This is for the good of both families and you know that."

"Benefit of both families my ass!  We have always hated each other, dad.  You would have known that if you had paid any attention to me before now!  We didn't just hate each other dad we couldn't even stand to be in the same room.  If you force me to marry her I will never forgive you."

"I don't understand why you hate her so much.  But it doesn't matter now because you will both get along for the sake of your families, and you'd better figure it out fast or living with her is going to be hell.  Now, I told you this discussion was over.  I have a meeting so if you are planning on continuing this tantrum keep it in my office so that you don't distract my other employees.  I will see you at home for dinner." He said walking out of his office and leaving his daughter standing alone in the middle of it.

"You won't get away with this asshole!", Lainey yelled to her father as he walked out.

After Lainey had calmed herself down enough to think rationally she decided to go to her mother's office on the other end of the floor.

"MOM!", Lainey yelled busting through her mother's office door.

"Yes, dear."

"Are you really ok with dad forcing me to marry Peyton?"

"Not really but your father has the final word so if that is what he wants then that is how it is I'm sorry."

"This is so not ok.  I am your daughter not a piece of property you can just trade or sell off."

"Oh, dear, don't be so dramatic we are not trading or selling you.  We are-"

"USING ME!", Lainey interrupted.

"No, we are all making a sacrifice for the good of the family."


"Lainey if you do not lower your voice while you are in my office I am going to make you leave until you have calmed down."


"LAINEY MARIE, you will lower your voice right now and never shout at me like that again." Her mother demanded, tired of her daughter's disrespect.  The only reason she had allowed her daughter to get away with it throughout this interaction was because she knew that her daughter was upset with the situation her father had forced her into.

"Ugh, whatever."

"I know you don't like the Chapman girl, and no one is going to force you to.  No one likes this and I do not expect you to do this happily, but you will do it with a smile on your face.  I understand that the situation is not ideal and you would much rather have someone else but-"

"Anyone", Lainey interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Lainey's mother sighed, tired of her daughter's attitude.

"Anyone else mom.  I would much rather have anyone else.  Shit mom I would take getting engaged to a guy before her.", Lainey said with pure disgust in her voice.

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