Chapter 2

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The next day Lainey was up bright and early so that she could take her siblings to school and then head to work herself.  She, unlike her parents, didn't have any meetings scheduled for the rest of the week.  She was in her office working on reports when her parents both came in.

"I'll be with you in a moment Kels.", Lainey said without looking up from her reports.

"Honey, it's not Kelsey", her mom said.

"Oh, sorry", Lainey said looking up right away. "What can I do for you?"

"Your father and I wanted to talk to you about tonight.  Isn't that right dear?" Sarah said nudging her husband.

"Yes", he said through gritted teeth.

"Can we do this over lunch?  I really need to get these reports out." Lainey said hoping to put off the conversation a little longer.

"Not a problem, honey, when are you planning on taking lunch?"

"I'm supposed to have lunch with the guys." John grumbled.

"The guys will be fine without you, John." Sarah scolded.

"My plan is to have these done by 11:00, so I can meet you guys at Olive Garden at 11:30 if that works for you."

"Can't wait.  See you there." Sarah said turning and dragging John out with her.

"Sarah, this is ridiculous-" John said on the way out.

"No, John.", Sarah interrupted.  "You want to know what's actually, 'ridiculous'?  You forcing our daughter into an arranged marriage.  I understand that this is the best you and Bill's little pea brains could come up with, but you and I both know there has to have been another way.  This was just the easiest for you, so the least you can do is hear the girl out when you are forcing her to marry a person she hates.  You said that you are done hearing about it from her and you know what so am I, but not just from her, from you too.  So you will be having lunch today with your wife and daughter, and you will not complain about it.  Am I understood?"

"Yes, Dear."

"Good, now if you'll excuse me I am going to my office.  I'll meet you in the lobby at 11:15 so that we can head out."

"Yes Dear."


Lainey walked into the Olive Garden at straight up 11:30 and found her parents already sitting at a table with salad, breadsticks, and drinks waiting for her.  She walked over to join them and the server came right up to take her order.

"Hi, miss, what can I get you to drink today?"

"Water please", Lainey said taking her seat.

"Have you guys ordered yet?" Lainey asked looking at her menu.

"No, honey, we waited for you." her mom said sickeningly sweet.

"Oh, ok thanks."

The server came back with Lainey's drink.  "Are you guys ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes to look things over?"

"Are you ready Lainey?", her mom asked.

"Yeah, but you guys can go first" Lainey said still looking the menu over.

"I will have the lasagna and my wife will have the chicken parmesan." John, Lainey's dad, answered.

"And you?" the server asked writing down the orders John had given.

"I'll have the chicken alfredo." Lainey said.

"Ok, thank you all.  I will have those out as soon as they are ready."

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