Chapter 23

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Peyton immediately hung up.

Josie had to call back two more times before Peyton finally answered again.

"What do you want?"

"One, to congratulate you on getting engaged. Two, to apologize for how our friendship ended. And finally, to tell you you're an idiot if you believe those rumors and let Lainey go."

"Like you have any room to talk." Peyton rolled her eyes.

"So she told you?..."

"Yes, she told me all about how my bestfriend used to lie to me. How my bestfriend felt more comfortable being herself with someone other than her bestfriend."

"Peyton, it wasn't like that. I knew you wouldn't care about me being into girls, but everyone else in the group would have and I just didn't want to deal with that in high school. I also knew that you didn't like Lainey so I wasn't about to tell you that I was dating her."

"Josie," Peyton sighed. "Why are you calling me now?"

"I'm sorry about the things I said regarding your past relationship. Scott wasn't my boyfriend and I had no right so say those things about him."

"No, you were right. Lainey also helped me realize that he was kind of a shitty boyfriend."

"Kind of?"

"Don't push it."

Josie laughed. "Sorry,"

Peyton couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle as well.

"How do you even still have my number? I would have thought you deleted it a long time ago."

"I did, but apparently your chef and my chef are besties because mine told me to call you and rip your ass for being an idiot."

"They said that?"

"Not exactly, but they did explian the situation to me and I decided you were an idiot."

"Rue is so hearing about this."

Josie laughed. "I'm assuming that is your chef?"

"Yes, and she had no right to eavesdrop on Lainey and I's argument earlier."

"I mean it sounded to me like you were doing a lot of yelling so I don't think she necessarily had a choice in hearing it or not. Not the point though. I promise you Lainey isn't nearly as bad as you painted her out to be in high school."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. She does charity or whatever."

"That's... not even what I'm talking about. Take it from someone who listened to the rumors and let her go, don't. It was probably the biggest mistake of my high school career. I let other people's opinions on her effect how I viewed her and it cost me, not only my first REAL relationship, but also a REAL friend. Lainey didn't care about what sports I played or who I hung out with. We simply got along and enjoyed spending time together. I'm not saying I'm still hung up on her or anything, but I do know that I let a good thing go when I asked her for a break and ultimately couldn't end up letting myself trust her because of what everyone else was saying."

"We're not in high school anymore, Josie. Not every rumor is started for no reason."

"But she is in the spotlight, with a bad reputation so more rumors are going to be spread about her than other people. How many times have false rumors been started about you? And you're supposed to be an angel that never does anything wrong. I get that not everything is false, but most are, and if she says something didn't happen I would be inclined to believe her. She may be a lot of things, but liar isn't one of them."

"So what are you saying? That I just shouldn't ever question her? That's she's perfect and I'm always going to be the bad guy?"

"No." Josie groaned "You know, you liked to do this in high school as well. Not every situation has to have a bad guy. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever react, but maybe talk to her before you straight yell at her. Maybe trust her considering she hasn't done anything to prove she isn't trust worthy. Why did you even yell at her in the first place? People used to tell you that Scott was cheating on you all the time and you never yelled at him?"

"I was in high school. I was dumb. I was naïve. I don't want to be that again. I'm afraid that I'm not going to listen and they're going to be true. I honestly think I already care more about her than I ever did Scott. I'm just afraid because I can REALLY see myself falling for her and I don't want to get hurt. Everyone else may have seen it coming with Scott, but I didn't. Being blindsided hurts, and I don't want that to happen again."

Josie didn't know what to say. She wasn't aware of why or even when Scott and Peyton broke up. Josie and Peyton's friendship had ended because she told Peyton she needed to get rid of Scott because he was holding her back.

"I'm sorry. I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this. We haven't been friends for awhile now and I'm sure you don't want to hear about my problems." Peyton sighed.

"Peyton, I will always have love for you. We were bestfriends. You were like a sister to me, that doesn't just go away. If you need to rant, then rant. If you need advice, ask. I just don't know what to say because I don't know what happened. I'm sorry. You made it clear when I spoke up about Scott, that you didn't want to hear from me anymore so I don't want to overstep."

"I'm sorry. I was stupid, and I should have listened to you."

"You were in love, I understand."

"Can we please be friends again? I miss you, and I could really use my bestfriend back."

"Yeah, Peyt. I'd like that, and I could use you back as well."

After talking for awhile longer the girls hung up. Peyton looked to see that she had received a text from Lainey a couple hours ago saying she had landed and was going straight to bed.

Peyton decided not to respond because she didn't want to wake the girl.

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