Chapter 3

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Lainey walked down the stairs and into the living room ten minutes after she was supposed to. She was ready before then, but she didn't want to go down any sooner than she had to and then accidentally lost track of time.

Lainey was wearing a white, tight fitting sequin dress that stopped a little above her mid-thigh and had long sleeves that were looser than the rest of the dress. She had on silver earrings that hung down just a little and had diamonds on the ends, a diamond Rolex on one wrist and a diamond tennis bracelet on the other, and sparkly silver stilettos to match.

Her parents were down stairs waiting. Her dad, John, was in black slacks, baby blue button down with white pinstripes, a white tie, and a black Rolex. Her mom, Sarah, was in a white pencil skirt that stopped just above her knees, a black loose fitted blouse that was tucked into her skirt, a gold necklace and bracelets on both wrists to match, and shiny black stiletto heels.

"It's not polite to be late, daughter." John said.

"Let's just get this over with." Lainey said walking down the stairs.

"You look great honey" her mom said trying to ease the tension in the room between her daughter and her husband.

"Don't think it's for anyone but myself. I still don't want to go."

"But, you're still going to be respectful tonight, correct." John stated more than asked.

"Yes, I promise not to cause a scene."

"That's all I ask for." he said holding his arm out for his wife. "Shall we?"

They got in the limo and started off towards their destination. Lainey still didn't know where they were going.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" John said.

The rest of the drive was silent. Lainey sat and messed around on her phone while her parents sat and sipped on the complimentary champagne. Almost an hour later they arrived at their destination.

Lainey finally looked up from her phone once they had stopped and saw the most beautiful house she'd ever seen. It was smaller than the one her parents owned, but it was still way bigger than the average house. It had two garages connected to the house, one on each side, that stuck out the front. The walk way was made of multicolored dark bricks that offset the tans, browns, and blacks of the house beautifully.

"Where are we?" Lainey asked as she stood in awe in front of the house.

"Do you like it?" John asked, again avoiding Lainey's actual question.

"Like it? It's beautiful, but I know this isn't the Chapman's house, so who's house is it? "

John and Sarah looked at each other knowingly and just stayed silent on the topic. "Come on, honey" her mom said as she put a hand on Lainey's lower back to guide her forward. "We're already late for dinner."

They made their way inside to find the Chapman's already sitting there waiting. "Bill, Monica" John called as they came into view. "Nice to see you again" he said reaching across the table to shake Bill's hand. "So sorry we are running a little late, something came up at the office." He said covering up for his daughter's tardiness.

Lainey walked in behind her parents and was immediately caught off guard by not only the beautiful décor or amazing feast set out for them, but by the jaw-dropping brown haired beauty sitting next to Monica.

Peyton was wearing a black lace dress that was strapless, tight fitting, and stopped half way down her thighs. Peyton had on black diamond earrings that dangled slightly and a diamond encrusted Rolex. Both of the girls were stunned by the beauty of the other.

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