Chapter 14

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Neither girl had remembered to set an alarm for the next morning so they were awoken to the ringing of Lainey's phone.

"Hello" Lainey answered groggily.  "Yeah, can you cover for me.  I forgot to set an alarm." Lainey looked at Peyton, who had an angry look on her face, as she listened to Kelsey speak.  "I'm working on it.  Also my fiancé and I have dinner plans so I'll be leaving a little early." There was a silent pause in the room as Lainey listened to Kelsey.  "Ok, thanks Kels you're the best I owe you one."

"You're girlfriend just had to call and wake us up." Peyton rolled her eyes as she threw the blankets off of them and started to get up.

"Woah, woah, woah" Lainey said pulling her back down by her waist and covering them back up.  "First off, she's not my girlfriend.  Second off, I made it quite clear that I was taken, just for you.  Lastly, and most importantly, she only called because I'm late and my father is looking for me."

"Sorry, I get a little  jealous when it comes to things that are supposed to be mine.  I guess that happens when you grow up the middle child in a house of five children."

"Yours, huh?  And here I thought you were only tolerating me."  Lainey said propping herself up on her elbow so that she could see Peyton's face better.

"Oh please, you big dummy, you've become my best friend....  Actually, now that I think of it, you're my only friend.  So, yeah I don't want to share you, because I don't want anyone to steal you."

Lainey raised her eyebrows, "Does this mean you want to be like a couple or something?"

"No..... it just means that I don't want you to see other people, but we are both VERY much single."  Peyton didn't know why she felt the need too add the last part, but she didn't want Lainey to get the wrong idea.  Sure she liked Lainey, but she had no idea how Lainey felt about her.  For all she knows Lainey could still hate her.

Peyton's words kind of hurt.  Lainey was hoping that maybe Peyton was starting to like her as more than a friend, but she couldn't let that show.  "Peyton, I've never slept with any of my assistants."

"And how was I supposed to know this?"

"I didn't know you cared to know who I had and hadn't slept with."

"I don't." Peyton said crossing her arms.

"Yeah, ok princess.  Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Quit calling me princess."

"Nope" Lainey said popping the p.  "I like the face you make when you're annoyed with me.  It's cute."

"I hate you."

"Dang you really need to work on your flirting, that almost hurt."

"Who said I was flirting with you."

"Oh please who could resist me." Lainey said fully sitting up and flipping her hair.

"Why did I ever think that dinner tonight would be a good idea."

"I don't know but you're stuck with me now.  Hey, did you need to call someone by the way and let them know you'll be late and leaving early?"

"Yeah, I'll call Austin."

"Ok"  Lainey said getting up and heading for the door.

"What?  No sarcastic comment about my assistant being a guy?  Not going to tease me about fucking him?"

"No, plus you said you don't want to be a couple so you can fuck as many assistants as you want."

Peyton sighed.  "I don't fuck my assistants either."

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