Chapter 1: Percy's Cousin Shows Up

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(A/N: Please note my knowledge of how Themyscira works is minimal. If I get too much wrong I'll maybe change it. But what I'm writing fits my vision, so don't like it? F off.)

Percy's life went downhill for the third time in a row when his superhero cousin showed up at the door. 

It had all been going pretty well. The Giant War had ended, Leo had come back with Calypso, and all was well. Then Percy ended up betrothed to the biggest man-hater of all, Artemis. And even more surprising, they were happy. Percy being Percy had wiggled his way past her walls and into the heart of Artemis. He still wasn't sure how he managed to do it, but he had a knack for doing the impossible. 

They were set to be officially married and Percy be granted godhood once he hit 21, in two more years. Percy was upset he was taking immortality, but literally everyone in his life was telling him to do it, to be happy for once in his gods dam life. 

Of course, outside of the demigod life, the world has still pretty crazy. Superheroes were a thing now, and had been for a while apparently. Percy was mostly indifferent to them, since he wasn't exactly affected by them. Even Wonder Woman, a supposed Amazon hadn't done anything to him in his life. 

He had asked Artemis about this one night when they were simply laying in bed. According to her, Diana was part of a sect of Amazons who had sort of just been left behind. Some of the Amazons refused to leave Greece when the pantheon moved to Rome. The gods gave them a home to protect them, and simply left them to their own devices. They eventually lost contact with the gods for the most part, with only the occasional whisper reaching them.

Apparently, something bad about him was one of these whispers. At least Percy assumed. It would explain why Wonder Woman was standing at his door with a cold expression on her face. 

"Perseus Achilles Jackson."

Percy looked at her expectantly, deciding  to try his usual tactic of antagonizing everyone he meets. "I don't suppose you have the pizza I ordered," he joked toward the Amazon before him. Most mortals would be intimidated by her height and size, but not Percy. Partially because he had seen worse, partially because the two were even in height.

Suddenly, Artemis called from the other room, asking, "Fish boy, what's taking so long? I want that pizza so we can finish the movie!" Percy had introduced her to the Pirates of the Caribbean, and she immediately wanted to power through them. Percy, unfortunately, had no will to resist when it came to his fiancé. 

"Sorry Moon! Diana's at the door!" Percy shouted back to Artemis, only processing he probably shouldn't know who she was. Ah well, he thought. To late now.

"Is she flirting with you?"

"No. She looks more like she wants my head on a pike. I'm not sure what I did to offend her though."

Diana finally spoke again. Which was good, because Percy couldn't remember if she was mute or something. "Perseus Jackson. You have been judged as an enemy of Olympus. You will stand trial at Themyscira, and if found guilty, you will be executed," she said, being as intimidating as possible. 

She expected Percy to fall to his knees, begging for mercy. Or maybe attack her. Or anything. Instead, he just stood there in a Finding Nemo hoodie and sweatpants, staring blankly at her. In his head he was running through a list of Olympians he had pissed off who could decree him an enemy.

Not Artemis or Poseidon for obvious reasons. The whole marriage is to ease the tension of Zeus and Poseidon, so that rules out Drama Queen. Hey I just realized! The last few times I called him that, thunder hasn't rumbled? I wonder if he's accepting the name? Maybe I can even fly in a plane without having to worry about being shot with lightning before I reach the tarmac! No don't be stupid. Gah! Focus! Who wants me dead?  Demeter and Hephaestus don't care enough, Athena dislikes me, but sees me as valuable enough to keep around. Ares doesn't like me much, but he knows I can kick his ass, so he didn't do it. Aphrodite heavily supports this marriage, something about uncommon love. Hermes likes me for getting Luke accepted, same with Hades and Nico. Hera knows I can't be anything but faithful, so she's out. Apollo's ready for a brother-in-law he can hang out with. Dionysus sees me as a new drinking partner, and Hestia's Hestia. Oohhhh, Artemis talked about the whispers of gods being heard by them. Maybe they misheard some stuff about me? Wait what was that sound?

While Percy had been lost in his head, Wonder Woman had grabbed him, and they were now flying toward somewhere. "Zeus, please don't kill me. I didn't have a choice in this," Percy murmured, hoping he could survive this. Wonder Woman looked at him strangely, saying "Zeus would not bother striking down a mortal such as yourself. There is no need to pray for forgiveness." Percy simply looked at the Princess of the Amazons with a look on his face. 

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