Chapter 2: This Place Looks Like Camp!

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It didn't take long for Wonder Woman to fly Percy to Themyscira. She slightly hoped that she would rip his arm off at some point, but this was oddly not the case. Unknown to her, Percy was absolutely fine at the speeds she was flying at, due to his demigodlyness and leftover Curse of Achilles. 

As Diana began to slow down, Percy began to wonder what was in front of them. He could feel that there was an island in front of him from the displacement of water, but couldn't see it. Suddenly, and island just blinked into existence. Well, Percy thought to himself as Themyscira came closer and closer, guess this is my stop. As he finally began to take in the sight of the island, Wonder Woman dumped him on the beach.

He landed on his feet quite easily, since Artemis refused to be married to a man who couldn't keep up with her. She had pushed him to become significantly faster, stealthier, and more agile as a result, but was still insistent on breaking the laws of reality when he held a bow and arrow. Paradoxically, he was incredible with throwing knives, so Artemis settled for teaching him that.

As Percy looked around the lush forests, sandy beaches, Mediterranean climate, and imposing city off in the distance, only one thing came out of his mouth; "This place kind of looks like Camp." This severely confused Wonder Woman, who wondered how a camp could compare to the glory of Themyscira.

She shook herself free of this thought, saying "Come along boy. Your trial awaits you." She immediately hog tied him with her Lasso of Truth. Percy mentally groaned, realizing this was going to be a thing like the hunters all over again. As Diana dragged him toward the palace, Percy felt like he managed to hit his head on everything possible on the way up. He knew Wonder Woman knew he was, and his stubborn self refused to give anything beyond an 'ow'.

Eventually, the palace doors were reached. Diana threw open the doors and tossed Percy on the ground. After Percy recovered from being thrown headfirst onto the stone floor, he looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. He noted the throne room looked something like a fusion of the Roman Senate and Olympian Throne room, just less impressive. There was a single throne at the far end, presumably for whoever ruled the island.

Surrounding the center of the room were the people Percy presumed to be the Amazons. And every single one of them was staring at him.

Percy watched as a regal-looking woman approached the throne, and took a seat on it. "Perseus Jackson," She proclaimed. "I am Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. You are an enemy of Olympus. How do you plead?" 

Every Amazon expected the man to cower in fear, or beg for mercy. Instead, Percy just sighed as if this was an inconvenience, and ripped the Lasso of Truth from himself. "Ahh. That was getting uncomfortable." Percy rolled his soldiers, ignoring the looks the Amazons were giving him for breaking their princess' chosen weapon. He finished and looked at them. "Alright. I have no idea were you got the idea I'm an enemy of Olympus. So let's get this over with so I can get back to my night in."

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