Chapter 7: New and Old Friends! Also Verbal Abuse!

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Percy stared directly at the onyx-eyed beast before him, processing the idea that this may very well be the reincarnation of one of the many deaths that weighed on his soul.

Wolf, now identified as Zoë, was trying to figure out how in the gods names' Percy had gotten here, how he recognized her, and why the hell is the Chimera right behind him?

Gary was trying to remember where he had heard the name Zoë before. It was on the tip of one of his tongues ...

The Team, Bruce, and Diana were still processing the fact that this rando who for all they knew Wonder Woman picked up of the street, had beaten the Dark Knight, who was supposed to plan for everything.

Cred wasn't really paying attention, still creating a nest out of Percy's hair.

Finally leaving his stupor, Percy sent look that clearly said, we are talking about this later. He moved toward Kaldur, grabbed his shoulder, and gave him a light shake. This worked to bring the Atlantean to our plane of consciousness. 

"So, where might the kitchen be?" Poseidon's only demigod asked Kaldur. He nodded somewhat dumbly, and moved to the rooms situated inside the mountain. As the Team stared ahead blankly, Diana had a slight grin, and Bruce quietly seethed, Percy gestured for Gary to follow him. Zoë did as well, keeping some distance from Echidna's runt. (I headcanon the PJO Chimera was the runt of Echidna's first litter, just from his description in the Arch)


Kaldur arrived at the kitchen, and gestured to enter the room. "Thanks dude," Percy said with his troublemaker smirk. Kaldur nodded in his usual stoic fashion. Percy and the various animals entered the kitchen door to find something for Gary to gorge himself upon, and explain a few things to Zoë. 

 While this was occurring, the Team and two heroes had gone their separate ways for the day. Batman had gone o the Batcave, seething in anger and annoyance, resolving to find out as much as possible on this upstart. Diana had returned to her apartment, curious and a little afraid at what the inevitable conflicts between the Gotham Knight and the Bane of Monsters.

Wally was still attempting to get his heart rate under control, and Artemis half-heartedly attempted to get the image of Percy out of her head in the privacy of her room in the mountain. She also seemed to be getting steadily hotter, but that was surely a faulty AC.

Dick had remained in his exact spot, having gone through the seven stages of grief way to many times than should be healthy. Because holy shit this guy just beat batman in like a second and he had a supposedly dead monster with him and oh no, HE'S HOT! M'gann had moved off to god-knows where (possibly to prepare some form of actual welcome for the demigod), and Conner had probably gone back to bed. But you don't care about them, so let's go back to Percy & Co.

Gary had already moved off to the fridge to hopefully find something fit for consumption, Cred had gone looking for chips of some kind, and Percy had pulled up a barstool directly across from the reincarnated Zoë. Looking directly into the now lupine huntress and said, "Arty's definitely gonna freak when she figures out you're still alive. And apparently you completely retain your memory." Zoë glared at Percy for what she felt was disrespecting the Goddess of the Hunt, not to mention someone who would surely kill him for that nickname. Percy's eyes widened at the implication that had occurred to him. "And you're going to freak when you learn about me and Arty."

Zoë narrowed her eyes with a soft growl, and what she was sure she misheard from the demigod before her. Deciding not to think about that for now, she turned her attention to the Chimera in the room. Who was currently feasting on all the deli meat he had somehow unwrapped, despite his lack of hands. 

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