Chapter 4: Confused Confusion

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As the gods looked exasperated at Percy, Wonder Woman and her fellow Amazonians were looking increasingly alarmed at the sudden teleportation of these people into what was supposed to be an nearly impenetrable barrier surrounding the island. 

They immediately raised their weapons toward the group, who oddly to ranged from middle aged to children, and Diana declared," You will be asked once more; Who are you, and how do you know this fiend before us?" 

Zeus looked toward his immortalized daughter as Hera grumbled at the presence of both a child and former lover of her serial cheater of a husband. "My daughter, do you not recognize me? I am your father Zeus, and those surrounding me are the Olympians!" This was told the the highly suspicious Amazons who were naturally distrustful. 

Percy gave an exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well let's think Thunder Thighs. Why would a group of women who are stuck in essentially Ancient Greece NOT immediately believe you to be gods when they apparently believe you're all dead? As well as the fact that you and Hades are in business suits, Dad's in khakis and a Bahama shirt, Ares looks like a biker, Artemis is in jeans and a silver parka, etcetera etcetera."

Zeus blinked for a moment before processing the problem the Percy had pointed out. "I see. A simple solution." Aphrodite snapped her fingers at this, instantly shifting the various deities clothes.

Wonder Woman and the Amazons watched as the mostly modern clothes of the gods turned to ancient Greek togas and chitons, with the exception of Ares who was decked in full battle armor. 

Percy felt a tingling on his person, and looking down realized Aphrodite had shifted his clothes as well. What was once a cartoon hoodie and sweatpants had become leather armor over a sea green chiton. Riptide had also moved from with pocket in pen form to a sheath at his side. He also noticed from a few familiar stares given to him by some of the younger looking Amazons that Aphrodite had made it a little more form fitting than necessary, showing the pronounced muscle of his frame and thousands of scars crisscrossing his body. 

Hippolyta immediately realized her possibly fatal error, recognizing the god she had spent more than a few nights with. She swiftly vacated her throne and knelt before the Olympians plus one. Her daughter and subjects followed suit, confused but still following their queen. "My lords and ladies, please forgive me. I did not recognize you and I humbly beg your forgiveness." 

Zeus was about to give a long winded monologue about whether he should forgive her or not before Percy came and did what he did best. Annoy the Styx out of immortals and somehow make allies with everyone else. By the time Zeus had noticed him, he had walked quietly over, lifted an extremely bewildered and somewhat terrified Hippolyta and Diana, who happened to knelt next to each other, patted them on the back saying, "Don't worry about it. He'll give a little speech, but he already was going to forgive you. They've mellowed out for the most part, and he's far less 'shoot first, never question'". 

Hippolyta immediately began to fear for the idiot before her who was talking about the king of gods as if he was a surly teen. Imagine her and every other Amazonian's complete confusion when Zeus simply looked miffed and the other gods ranged from hiding grins to outright laughing.

Percy turned toward the assembled women before him and his divine family saying, "To give an extremely quick version, I'm innocent, the gods aren't dead, and I'm a demigod son of Poseidon. Any questions? No? Good." He turned and walked toward Artemis, who was currently twelve, and stood beside her and waiting somewhat impatiently for the gods to take them home.

Percy noticed that his father had a look that held traces of pity on it. As Zeus turned toward the savior of Olympus, a sinking feeling had begun to grow in the latter's stomach. "Young Perseus, we require for you to complete a great task for us," boomed the sky god. Percy noted he was being far more formal than normal. Usually he'd just tell him to get something and then to fuck off.

"As you know, the world is changing. After a convention of pantheons (Yes all of them will be real. If you have ideas for beings Percy should interact with, I'm open to ideas). Normally we would have Diana communicate to us what is happening amongst the heroes, but-" To the shock of the gathered Amazons, the son of the sea cut off Zeus and finished himself. "Yeah I know. Wondie," he gestured to an incredulous Wonder Woman, "Is about 3 thousand years behind the myths, and you want me to do it before my marriage? Hell no."

"Being a superhero sounds boring. They'll probably just lecture me about how I shouldn't kill the monsters, and how they've been doing this for years, so they're automatically better than me. Arthur's nice, but the rest are probably so pretentious. Arty, you don't want me to go do you?"

It was at this moment Percy made a fatal mistake. Around 8 months ago he taught her how to make her own version of the patented baby seal eyes, dubbed 'crying fawn' eyes. As Percy tried his baby seal eyes, Artemis threw her crying fawn eyes at him as well. None of the Olympians were quite sure who would win this soft argument. both had used it to near equal effectiveness in the past. However, Perseus Jackson was a weak man when it came to his wife-to-be.

He sighed and looked down in overdramatic shame of his weakness. Artemis gave a stupid smug grin as Percy walked towards Zeus in defeat. Despite clearly not enjoying this, Zeus knew his nephew would go willingly. "It is settled," he thundered. "Perseus, in two days Diana Prince shall take you to the 'Justice League' to observe and assist."

With that dramatic proclamation, 15 bolts of lightning teleported the gods and god-to-be to their respective homes, leaving a broken nose, damaged doors, and very confused and frightened Amazons.

Hi everyone. Sorry it took so long to get this out. Either Bragi, Thoth, or one of the muses was pissed at me for whatever reason. Anyways, three quick notes;

1. Darker demigods. I'm not making them evil, but definitely not 'superhero' good either. They'll protect innocent people, but killing goons and villains won't be something keeping them up at night. After all, it's already their job to kill monsters. As for the whole, 'some things are not meant to be controlled' thing, Annabeth talked about it later with Percy (remember they never dated) and she came to the conclusion that it would be better for Percy to practice control of it than for him to lose control and kill everyone. Also by demigods I mean the mythological side of the world. So including the Kanes, Magnus, and anything else I come up with. If you have a problem with it, well you clicked the story. I just wrote it.

2. On a lighter note, I plan to have Percy be revealed to take in animals like Bruce takes in stray children. They can be normal animals or monsters, just anything below the Minotaur in sentience. Non Greek/Roman critters accepted. However they cannot have an existing job, so no Landon, Cerberus, or Orthus. He can befriend them, but they aren't pets.

3. Should I put Annabeth in a relationship or keep her single? You chose.

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