Chapter 3: Wonder Woman Gets Clotheslined

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As Percy stretched his somewhat sore muscles, the Amazons glared at him with force that would have sent any other person running for the hills. However, Percy had seen far worse among the hunters, and simply ignored them.

"Alright then. So what am I being accused of?" Percy asked, looking fairly unimpressed at the supposed 'Queen of the Amazons'. Hippolyta bristled at his disrespect toward her. How dare this boy talk to her with such arrogance? Nevertheless, she answered his question.

"As I just said, you are an ene-" Percy cut her off. "Enemy of Olympus, yadda yadda yadda. I was hoping for something more...specific."

Diana stared at the person before her in a combination of shock, disbelief, and anger. How could anyone, even if they were male, speak with such blatant disrespect? She watched as her mother began to explain to the upstart before them his crimes.  "You have released and summoned many ancient beasts to terrorize mortals. The gods may be gone, but we will enact the judgement as they..."

Hippolyta slowed her speech as a snicker began to fill the room. It grew quickly into laughter. But not normal laughter. No, this was a mocking, even broken laughter, the kind that said, 'You have no absolute idea what you are talking about'. And it was coming from the man before them. 

Percy was mocking them, but the Amazons, the supposed last remnants of Greece, made no move to stop him. As Percy laughed, he let his aura lose a little, terrifying the women before him. It was wild and dangerous as the sea, but carried an undercurrent, if you will. Something was just beneath the surface. And it was something...hellish.

Suddenly he stopped, eyes flaring as he did. As far as he was concerned, the Amazons were not the ones in control here. Even in sweats and a cartoon hoodie, he commanded the room better than anyone. And oddly enough, despite most seeing his eyes as sea-green, Diana swore she could see flashes of purple streaks in his right eye. 

"You're accusing me of releasing the very things that try to kill the people I love on a daily basis? You accuse me of unleashing things I'll spend the majority of my life hunting and being hunted by? No. I would never send monsters out on other people. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a night in to finish." Percy turned on his heel, and began to walk out of the throne room. For a moment, no Amazon made a move to stop him. They watched as he left the room, somehow holding himself like, well, a god, while simultaneously stalking out like a wolf slinking back to the forest. 

Before he could leave however, Wonder Woman snapped out of her daze. She flew toward her Lasso, and attempted to tie him once more. "You may have wriggled your way out of my Lasso of Truth once whelp, but now I tether it. Do you truly believe you can escape from the Princess of the Amazons, wielding a sacred weapon of Lady Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth? This has contained even the mighty Heracles!"

As the rope wrapped itself around his waist, Percy turned back to her grinning. It was a grin that promised a fight she could not win, and that sent chills throughout her. "A gift from Hestia huh? Well then," Percy said, grabbing ahold of the rope connecting his torso and her hand. "Let's see who our Aunt favors, shall we? 

Percy pulled with insane strength, wrenching Diana from her stance and sending her towards him. Before she could even process what was happening, the Son of Poseidon's arm shot out in front of her face. The force of the hit made her do a full flip as the heir to Themyscira smashed into the solid metal doors of the throne room. She pulled herself out of the dent she made from the force, and Diana felt her face as a sharp pain rocketed its way to her brain. 

She and the other Amazons were shocked as they realized that Wonder Woman's nose had been broken. A single blow from this, this boy, had caused the almost invincible demigod to bleed. Diana looked at the person before her. Where normally she wouldn't have given a second thought to the idea she could beat this man, but right now? She saw a warrior, perhaps a monster even. Certainly this was someone to fear.

Percy was thrilled at the prospect of a fight. He had become somewhat bored after the sheer adrenaline rush that was two wars in a row. Don't misunderstand, he still felt guilty about the demigod deaths in those fights. He knew those would haunt him until the day he faded, but still. After such a long adrenaline high, he was usually incredibly bored, unless he was on a date or just hanging out with Artemis. 

The Hunt was a pretty good place to get his adrenaline fix. It was always deadly with those girls, especially since he was to marry their patron. Even so, he did keep a phone on him nowadays. He wasn't looking for fights, but he sure as Hades wasn't trying to avoid them. 

Fortunately for Diana, a voice boomed suddenly, "PERSEUS." Percy dropped the arm he still had outstretched, and looked behind him to see his family (and fiancé) in their normal attire. Every Amazon in the room drew their weapons at once, with Diana finally stabilizing herself on the ground. "Who are you? Lackeys of this scum?" Queen Hippolyta demanded of the gods before her.

Most of the Olympians looked at her with a mixture of confusion, horror, anger, and disbelief on their faces. Hermes and Apollo were laughing at the other gods' faces, and Artemis and Poseidon quietly facepalmed at what their son/future husband had gotten himself into. "Aw come on Uncle Z," Percy whined, making a complete 180 from the demonic warrior of seconds ago. "I was about to get into another cousin brawl."

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