Ch. 22 "Nat Gone"

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Lilly POV

Me, Pietro and Wanda were watching the news footage about the train, where I see Steve fighting Ultron,

With out thinking I ran looking for the train, Pietro picked me up and hand Wanda with him, Next thing I know we are in the Train,

Ultron was about to Blast Steve, Wanda hits him with her power,

Think big, Think big, I said in my mind,

Then finally I transformed into a big Tiger,

and Attacked Ultron before he could get up, to attack Wanda,

I was Snarling and growling,

"Please don't do this," Ultron said to Wanda

"What choice do we have?" Wanda said

Ultron flys off,

I jump off the train turning into a hawk, following him, But I lost him, I flew back down to the ground, Turning into my wolf,

I was just so Angry! I could have helped! But I was captured!

I sniff the air picking up Daddy's sent and running feeling the wind blow through my fur,

I slowly entered the building, I focus my hearing,

"Anything from Lilly? Nat?" Daddy's voice said

"Haven't heard but They're alive or Ultron'd be rubbing our faces in it," Tony's voice

I followed the voices, slowly

"This is sealed tight," Clint's voice as

"We're going to need to access the program break it down from within," Daddy's voice

"Hmm, Any chance Natasha might leave you a message outside the internet old school spy stuff? and Lilly have you found her yet?" Tony said

"There's some nets I can cast yeah, alright I'll find her," I heard Clint,

"Lilly?" Tony said to Daddy

"I've been running scans of the city, Lilly's body tempter runs colder than normal people due to her genetic make up from shape shifting if she's nearby we'll get an alert hopefully Ultron doesn't mess that up," Daddy said

Daddy cleared his throat,

"I can work on tissue degeneration if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted," I hear daddy,

"Yeah about that," I hear Tony

"No," Daddy said

"You have to trust me," Tony said

"Kinda don't," Daddy said

"Our ally? the guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him," Tony said

"Hello DR. Banner," I hear Jarvis,

"Ultron didn't go after JARVIS cause he was angry he attacked him because he was scared of what he can do, so JARVIS went underground okay? scattered dumped his memory but not his protocols he didn't even know he was in there until pieced him together," Tony said

"So you want me to help you put JARVIS into this thing?" Daddy said

I slowly opened the door with my snout,

"No of course no-" Tony began but stopped

When beeping and alarms went off,

"What's that?" Tony said

"The alert looking for Lilly," Daddy said

My head was low, ears were back,

"What's it say?" Tony said

"She's... she's in this room?" Daddy said

I slowly walked out of the shadows as I snarled and growled,

"Lilly?" Daddy said

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