Ch. 14 "Scare"

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                                               Third Person POV 

Worried was what everyone was feeling, it had been a few days since they apprehended Loki, but the problem was that Lilly hasn't woken up, 

Bruce was a wreck, not leaving her side, checking her vitals non stop, 

Tony was trying to come up with solutions on why she was still in her current state, 

Bruce and Tony were doing everything in their power to help Lilly, the monster's claws scraped her heart slightly, any further and it would have been game over for Lilly, 

Bruce and Tony were both looking at the computer screen until Lilly's heart monitor started to spike and then finally flat line, 

Bruce's eyes widen, 

"Get the crash cart!" Bruce said rushing to Lilly's side, 

Tony made fast pace brining it over, 

Bruce put some get on the one paddle, he only used one because of how small Lilly was he didn't want to end up killing her, 

"Clear!" Bruce said 

Lilly's tiny body jolted up as the paddle made contact with her skin, 

Nothing she was still flat lined, 

"Clear!" Bruce said again 

Same thing Lilly's body jolted again, 

He was about to hit her again, but her heart monitor started beeping again, 

"Bruce wait," Tony said 

They both looked seeing her heart beating at a normal rate again, 

Bruce let out a relieved sigh, 

"Kid's strong gotta tell you that," Tony said 

Bruce nodded, 

                                                     Lilly POV 

I'm so tired, 

"Lilly..." I heard a voce 

"Mmm," I said 

"You have to wake up," I hear my animal say, 

"But I'm so tired..." I said 

"I know but it's time to wake up..." My animal said 

My eyelids slowly flutter open, but the light was so bright, so I closed them again, my eyelids flutter open, my vision was blurry, 

I blinked a few times, I hear a beeping noise I see a machine and a bunch of wires connected to my chest, normally I would panic and try to escape, but for some odd reason I am to weak, 

I slowly turn my head to the left, to see daddy, at a desk with a computer, 

"Daddy?.." I said with a raspy voice

He looked at me making eye contact with me and rushed towards me, 

"Lilly, thank god, sweetheart how do you feel?" He said putting his hand on my head, 

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