Ch. 17 "Sokovia"

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                                                            Lilly POV 

It's been a few weeks since I am now allowed out of the hospital bed, Right now were in Sokovia, I'm in the jet, I'm not allowed to leave Daddy said, 

Ever since I got injured daddy has gotten a little more strict with me, 

I'm waiting outside of the jet when I see The avengers and Daddy, 

"Daddy!" I said rushing to him, 

Daddy picked me up, 

"Hey my little munchkin," He said 

Nat smiled at us, when we get inside of the Jet we all sit down, I'm sitting next to Daddy looking out the window as we take off, 

"Hey, The lullaby worked better than ever," Nat said 

"Just wasn't expecting the code Green," Daddy said 

"If you hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties my best friend would've been a treasured memory," Nat said 

"You know sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear," Daddy said placing his hand on top of my head, 

"How long before you trust me?" Nat said 

"It's not you I don't trust," Daddy said 

"Thor report on the hulk," Nat said "The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims," Thor said 

Nat glares at Thor as daddy groans as he pets my hair 

"Uh, but not the dreams of the dead of course no, no uh.. wounded screams mainly whispering a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and uh,, and gout," Thor said 

I giggled 

"Hey Banner Dr. Cho's on her way from Seoul, is it okay of she sets up in your lab?" Tony asked 

"Uh, Yeah, she knows her way around," Daddy said 

"Thank's" Tony said 

I looked at the scepter worried, the sounds it makes hurts my ears, 

"Lilly?" Daddy said looking at me so Does Nat and Thor and Tony, 

"I don't like that thing, it's noisy," I said covering my ears 

They looked at each other worried 

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