Ch. 23 "Vision"

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                                                        Bruce POV 

I watched as Lilly continued to snarl and growl, 

I whispered to Stark, 

"Seal the exits," I whispered 

He nodded typing on the pad in his hand, 

Lilly's teeth were bared, her hair on the back of her neck stood up and her ears were back,

I had both of my hands up, meaning I meant peace, and got down to her level,

"Easy Lilly it's me daddy remember," I said 

Her ears perked up, but as soon as she heard the sound of the doors being sealed she went back to being angry, and hostile, 

Growling snarling, I see Steve and the two teenager who were responsible for this, and for me going hulk but I didn't care right now, 

I needed to calm her down, 

"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you remember, it's me daddy," I said calmly 

Her ears perked up again, 

"That's it good," I said slowly getting closer to her, 

"Banner what are you doing," Tony whisper yelled, 

I looked back at him and everyone else, 

"I'm trying to get my little girl to calm down, the big guy isn't liking this too much," I said meaning the hulk, 

I looked back at Lilly, 

"It's okay," I soothed, 

I slowly put my hand on her head in-between her ears, and petted softly, I didn't know until now how soft her fur was, 

Her ears went back as she closed her eyes, 

"Can you turn back for me munchkin?" I said 

Slowly she bowed and she started to turn back, I took my lab coat off the chair and wrapped it around her, seeing that she was shivering, 

                                                Lilly POV 

Daddy picked me up, 

"We'll talk about this in a bit," Daddy said walking out of the room, 

"Are you hurt? does anything feel broken?" Daddy said checking me over, he was kneeling in front of me, 

I shook my head no, 

"Thank god," Daddy said drinking me into a hug,

Daddy helped me get dressed, 

We walked in to see a man in red, 

"I'm sorry that was... odd, Thank you," He said looking at Thor, 

"Thor you helped create this?" Steve asked 

I was holding onto Daddy's pant leg as we stood there, 

"I've had a vision a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at it's center is that," Thor said pointing at the gem, on the man's head, 

"What the gem?" Daddy said 

"It's the Mind Stone it's one of the six infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe unparalleled in the destructive capabilities," Thor said 

"They why would you it it to..." Steve said 

"Because Stark is right," Thor said 

"Oh it's definitely the end of times," Daddy said placing his hand on my head knowing I was having trouble calming down,

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron," Thor said 

"Not alone," The man said 

"Why does your, Vision sound like Jarvis?" Steve said 

"We... we reconfigured Jarvis matrix to create something new," Tony said 

"I think I've had my fill of new," Steve said 

"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" Vision said 

"You're not?" Steve said 

"He's not," I said 

everyone looked at me, 

"How can you tell?" Steve asked 

"The humming his different," I mumble 

"I keep forgetting at how great the kid's hearing is," Tony said 

Daddy petted my head as I gripped his pant leg, 

I didn't like where things were going, I thought 

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