Chapter 4

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Adam Rutherford POV:

I am sitting in front of her, waiting for any kind of response. Her mouth was open in shock, her eyes staring as if she saw a ghost. I myself can't believe I asked her to marry me.

Time was moving like a snail, and she seems to be in utter shock.

She was still staring when I decided to break the silence, "So Elena, I know this sounds insane, we barely know each other, but I'm doing this for personal reasons."

"Wait, is this normal? like do you go around asking strangers to marry you?" she said furiously while she grabbed her books ready to leave. Of course, like this isn't sane, but I need a wife before the end of this month.

"Listen, I have a deal for you," I said trying to get her attention. This is insane, I can't believe I'm doing this., but I have to, I have no time to waste. I looked at her expecting a reply, but she seems confused.

"I know this sounds weird, we barely know each other for a few hours, maybe you will consider this if you know the deal I'm offering," I stated, waiting for any response. She was standing ready to leave, but I can't lose my last chance, I need to make her agrees.

"What about Mark?" I asked, She turned her head and looked at me confusably when she heard her father's name.

"What about him?" she asked questionably, her hands crossed on her chest.

"I knew that he is doing bad at his business, you know the bookstore," I smiled knowing that she will do anything for her father, and this is a good thing in my favor.

She is stunned now and an expression of worry is visible on her face. Her dark brown eyes, now seem lost. She pushed a few strands of her black hair behind her ear and nervously licked her lips.

"I don't know what you are talking about Mr. Rutherford," she stated and turned her back to leave. "And Mr. Rutherford, I will assume that this conversation never happened," she said while her back still turned.

I watched her leaving the cafe. A feeling deep down me tells me that she will agree to my deal. I loosely grabbed my glasses and put them on, I called the waitress and asked for a black coffee.

I checked my phone to see a text from Chase, 'Bro, are you not done with your teaching shit?'

'No,' I shortly replied and saw the waitress bringing my coffee. I siped a little bit of it and thought about plan B. Like what shall I do if Elena doesn't agree to my bargain?

My headache increased when I remember that I only have twenty-five days, or am done. I gestured with my hand to the waitress to bring the bill. She came and put two pieces of paper, I took off my wallet and put two dollars.

I slightly smiled when I saw the other piece of paper with a number on it. I looked over to the waiter to see her gesturing with her hand 'call me', and winked. My smile spread and I just ignored her, abandoning her number at the table.

Leaving the cafe I made my way to the office, there is too much work to be done. I breathed the fresh air and observed the area. There are students, everywhere, some of them are studying, others are drinking coffee or having launch.

It brought memories of the time I was at their age. I just wanted to study what I love and have an ordinary life, a normal one. My family though have other plans, even though I am an independent grown man, they still involve me in their shitty matters.

"Mr. Rutherford," a feminine voice called. I turned my back to see a woman dressed formally with her hair tied in a bun.

"Hi, I am Ms. Casey Miller," she said while extending her hand.

I shook her hand and politely smiled at her. "I just wanted to say hi, since we will work together at the department," she shyly stated. I nodded my head, "Yeah I am looking forward to that."

She looked quite young to be a teacher, I assume that she is 30. "Um... I heard that you teach section 30, is that right?" she asked questionably.

I was confused for a second before replying, "Yeah, that's right."

She smiled and said, "I bet you met Elena Parker then."

I was surprised for a few moments, "Yes I did," I said while nodding.

"Well then I got to tell you that she is a great student, she might sound odd sometimes but believe me all the teachers at the English department loves her," she said enthusiastically.

"Great to know that," I replied not knowing why she is telling me this. I and she stayed still before I excuse her, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Miller, I gotta go, see you later" I said.

She nodded and went her way as I did. I am a little bit surprised to hear such a thing, especially about Elena Parker. It looks like she is the teachers favourite student, and smart too, which is better. I need someone like her.

The ringtone of my phone broke my thoughts, I held it to see Chase calling. "Hey, what's up bro?" his voice came shouting at my ears.

"fine, how about you?" I asked while heading to my office, I passed a few students who greeted me, and I just nodded their way.

"Not great at all, am engaged," he said desperately. Okay, I didn't expect that!. The playboy I know wouldn't get married this early. "Oh, are you serious? or this is kind of a joke?" I asked.

"Man, don't ask," he said while sounding annoyed. "Anyway, wanna hang out like old days?" he asked playfully. I know exactly what he means but no! I give up those things years ago.

"Yeah, but I kind of gave up on these things," I clarified.

"So, are we still meeting or not?" Chase asked, and a woman voice interrupted him, saying 'Baby, I'm here'.

I chuckled at that, well am not surprised that's typical Chase. "yes, Tuesday well be okay," I said while opening the office door.

"Alright then, and don't forget that I want every single detail about what you found?" he warned. "I guess this time she is the one," he added.

"Kind of, okay Chase see you later, I gotta go," I said and hanged the call. To my surprise a figure was standing near my desk, I looked closely, "Miss Parker?" I questioned.

She was standing still, "Yes Mr. Rutherford, it's me," she stated quietly. She didn't make any response for a period of time, "I want to hear about your deal," she responded swiftly.

I studied her face to see any kind of expression but there were none. I passed her and had a seat on my desk chair. This is going to be a long talk, "Please have a seat," I gestured towards the chair in front of me.

She sat hesitantly and hugged her books. "I assume that you didn't know about your father's financial status," I said.

She let a breath, "I don't think that is one of your concerns," she bitterly stated. I calmed myself down because this girl drives me nuts. She has a thing when she talks that makes anything that gets out of her mouth is provocative.

"I believe not, since my deal concern your father the most," I said patiently. Her eyebrows knotted in confusion, "and how so?" she asked curiously.

"I think that you should talk about it with your father," I simply said before standing of the chair. I walked towards the door, "I apologize, Miss Parker, I really want to carry on our talk but I have a class now." I looked at her to see her lost in her thoughts.

She stood from her seat and walked to the door, she was close to saying something but she didn't.

"See you tomorrow," I said, but she didn't say anything and quietly left the room. Poor girl, she doesn't know what kind of a mess her father dragged her into. Messing with my family is the last thing someone thinks of doing.

I myself stayed away from their toxic community for years, but I think it's time to get back.

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