Chapter 5

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Elena Parker POV:

'The number you are calling is unreachable please try again'. I lowered my phone, and my heart jolted with fear. I can't reach dad, what is wrong? is he alright? My concern deepened when he didn't reply to my messages, even my calls are not answered. 

Worry washed over me, there is something that isn't right. Oh God what shall I do, I paced at the room going back and forth trying to figure out something. I spoke to him last week and he seemed fine, now am not sure. 

"Come on dad, pick up!", this the sixth call that he doesn't answer, there is something wrong I know it. Was Mr. Rutherford right with what he said? dad never told me if he was struggling at his business, and I never sensed it in his voice. He seemed completely fine.

I threw the Phone furiously at the bed and bite my nails since it kind of released my stress. I think I need to go visit him, my gut twisted when I thought of him being harmed or something bad happened to him. I shouldn't have left him alone.

Guilt washed over me of thinking of bad odds, or possibilities. My mind stopped and I can't think of anything. I need to drive to our town, I can't wait anymore. 

It's 4:30 PM, it will take me four hours to drive home. I have no time to waste, I gotta go and check on him, I can't stay here waiting for him to answer my calls. God, please protect my dad in your grace, I lost a mom I can't lose my dad.

I quickly took off my car key, grabbed a handbag, and stuffed it with my charger, a pepper spray for emergencies, and some protein bars. "Hey, I'm leaving, my dad doesn't answer my calls, so I'm heading home," I sent a voice message to Laura, informing her. 

I closed the door behind me and jerked the lock with keys, locking it. My heart is beating rapidly, I heartily wish that he is fine, and am just assuming the worst. Cool breeze greeted me, and I shivered while making my way to the parking. 

I stuffed my hand into the bag, reaching the key. I opened my truck door and got in, it has been long since the last time I drove her. Staying at campus makes driving a rare thing, unless am heading home.

I started the engine and drove out of the place. The highway was nearly empty, and the sun is close to the horrizen. It will set soon, and I will be driving alone at the dark. My heart skipped a beat of the thought, but I quickly reminded myself that my dad could be in a bad condition, and in need to my help. 

My father didn't have friends or many acquaintances at the town, so the possibility of someone checking up on him is poor. The sky is sunless by know, and its quite dim, I should have took Laura or James with me to accompany me, since the road is turning disimal. 

Pressing the radio button, country music is playing. Not my cup of tea but whatever. I decided to call my dad once again, but he still didn't pick up. My worry increased by now, what could possibly gets wrong? 

The sky is dark now, and a few cars passes from time to time.  

After what took like ages I saw the exit of our town, I turned the car and took it. I was greeted with faint lights that are recognisable. Finally am here, I passed few houses and took a turn to get to our neighborhood. 

Our house is located at the end of the street. The white woody house lights are on, and my dad car is parked near the porch. He is here then, my heart raced as I turned of the car and took my hand bag. 

Slamming the car door, I made my way to the door. I patiently ringed the bell, and waited. For a while no one opened, until I heard steps noise coming from the inside. The door knob twisted and I was greeted with my dad.

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