Chapter 20

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Elena Parker POV:

"Why did you talk to James that day? you didn't have to," I grabbed my mascara. Gazing at Adam's reflection on the mirror, he was standing behind me. I slightly coated my eyelashes, waiting for his response. 

He sighed, "I don't know, it just felt right to me. I didn't want you to lose your best friend." 

My sight wandered to his, How I'm supposed to walk away from you Adam when the deal is over? How will I get over you? I don't think I will find anyone like him. There is no man like Adam Rutherford.   

"Adam," my voice came low as I turned my back to face him. His shirt sleeves have been rolled up, revealing masculine arms. His blue eyes questionably looked at me. I cleared my throat, "James is no longer my friend, and you really didn't have to explain anything." 

"I know! you are right. I shouldn't have involved myself in your personal matters," he shook his head. I put on a warm smile, "Nevermind, I know that you were trying to help." 

He smiled back, "Anytime, Elena." 

The way he says my name, sends shivers down my spine. My name somehow feels different when he utters it. I haven't felt these kinds of emotions before, not even when I thought that I was in love with James. Everything feels right with Adam. 

What the hell I'm thinking about? Oh God, I need to block these weird thoughts. I looked at my phone, there is a message from Eric. 

'I will pick you in twenty minutes.' 

Swiftly, I reached for a lip gloss and smeared it on my lips. For a second I stopped myself, am I seriously going out with Eric Turner. Yes, I'm because this is what normal college kids do. They go out and have fun. 

But I rather stay home with him, and his hand caressing my hair. No, this isn't right. I and Adam have a deal that will come to an end eventually. My hand smoothed the velvet material of my maroon dress. It hugged my body perfectly, okay maybe this is a little bit extreme for a random meet but this is all I could find. 

Adam is no longer in the room, his absence makes my heart ache. I shouldn't have agreed to Eric's request, but he sounds nice and interesting. I shall give it a chance, it won't kill me. I stood and slipped my toes in gold metallic heels. 

Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I looked good. Sighing I put my phone and keys in a clutch. Exiting the room, I walked towards the living room. The clicking sound of my heels caught Adam's attention. 

Papers in hand, pen in the other, he looked at me from head to toe. A look of astonishing passed on his features, but he quickly masked it. I awkwardly stood in my place, not knowing what to do or say. 

"Before I forget," Adam said standing up and reaching for his wallet from across the table. He took out a credit card. My eyebrows knitted in confusion, as he made his way towards where I stood. 

"Here," he extended his hand. I looked at him in disbelief, what on earth is he doing? 

"What's that?" I asked sharply. His expression remained blank, "A card." 

"I know it's a card, Adam. What's for?" I folded my arms. Okay, now this is unacceptable. No, this is humiliating. I'm not taking money from him. 

"As your husband, I'm responsible for everything concerns you. So, please take this card and don't make a big deal of it," he said unclasping my arms, resting the card on my palm.

My blood boiled in my veins, "Just because you have the money, that doesn't mean to shove it in my face. I'm not that cheap, Adam," I exclaimed scornfully. 

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