Chapter 26

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Elena Parker POV: 

"It's weird! they kind of look like siblings," Luara's lips turned to a frown while she intensely looked at her phone's screen. My eyebrows knitted in confusion, what is she talking about? "Here," she nearly shoved her phone in my face. 

I glared at her and then marched my gaze to the extended phone. It's a picture of Caitlyn and Chase standing together hands clasped and plastered smiles. Oh yeah, I forgot how obsessed Laura is with Chase West. 

"Ok," I lowly whispered unbothered by her annoyance. My gaze then wandered around the place, everyone is quiet except us. If Laura says something now, the new librarian will surely ask us to leave. He is a slim short man with dark brown hair. He doesn't look older than forty. Unfortunately, Helen is no longer here and I can't help but miss her sweet kind face. 

Laura doesn't shut up, "I mean can someone be luckier than her." 

I glanced at her for a second and shook my head. My focus drifted to my laptop screen as I looked at the word document that has nothing but a headline. I have an essay to be submitted in two days and I haven't written a word. 

"Did you ever wonder about those rich people's real personalities? Like how they act and speak behind the camera, I bet he isn't nice and good as he looks," She said frowning dumping her phone on the study table. I played with the sleeve of my cashmere sweater, thinking about an answer to her question. 

"Chase is a nice guy," I said casually. 

Laura's eyes widened in startle, her lips parted as she gaped at me. "How the hell do you know?" she asked in disbelief making heads turn our way. Yep here it comes, the new librarian will probably kick us out and the humiliation will be unbearable. 

For a few seconds nothing happens, no one asked us to leave. Great! I sighed in relief. "Luara, please be quiet people are trying to study," I whispered giving her a pointed look. Her expression of shock and startle doesn't change a bit, she is still waiting for an answer. 

Sighing I said, "Well, he is Adam's best friend."  

Laura looked frozen for a few minutes barely blinking. I think she is overreacting,  shrugging I shifted my focus to my notes. I need to come up with three main thesis statements. 

"Wow," I heard laura says. "You met Chase West?" she questioned getting up from her chair that faced me to the one behind me. Feeling eyes of people around us burning as if it says 'Can these two shut the hell up or just leave.' Gathering my stuff in my tote bag, I gestured to her for us to leave. 

These poor students just want to study in peace. Marching through the door, I walked towards the cafeteria. Laura's steps followed mine as we passed groups of students. When we arrived I chose a table in the corner. 

Laura looked at me expectantly. "He was in the hospital when Adam fainted. I met him and he seemed nice, that's it," I simply said wandering my gaze to our surround. My phone buzzed on the table as my hand reached for it. 

A message from Adam. 

'Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own, in pain and sickness it would still be dear.' 

My heart skipped a beat, he quoted Jane Eyre. This is what Mr. Rochester said addressing Jane. A warm flush crept my cheeks especially when memories of the night we shared flashed across my eyes. Now how should I respond to that? 

Lost in my thoughts, Laura's fingers snapped in front of my face. 

"I have been asking if you are invited to the wedding," she said playing with a strand of her hair. 

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